thed2025 (1 point)
I would like to share with everyone my own dental nightmare story I experienced at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece this year.
Briefly, my dental nightmare had predominantly, although not exclusively, to do with the placement of 5 dental implants and 5 corresponding dental crowns at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece.
Three of the 5 implants will need to be replaced as they have been placed in incorrect positions and/or depths, and all 5 crowns will need to be replaced due to poor crown fabrication, contouring, and other problems. These findings have been corroborated by various implants clinics located in Europe, Australia and Japan - I had the opportunity to attend these other dental clinics recently due to my work-related activities.
General dental failures include:
- implant placement and depth failures that could inhibit osseogeneration and may lead to implant failures/losses
- Cracking and failure of fused crown within 30 sec. of being screwed into my mouth
- cemented crown coming off its post and flying out of my mouth and onto the floor while flossing within 4 days of having been cemented
- continued swiveling of crowns about their posts/abutments due to screw/torque failures
- substandard fabrication/contouring of all 5 crowns
- food impaction and other problems associated with the above
- the insertion by the dentist of certain crown types (cemented and cantilever crowns) into my mouth without my knowledge or consent
- the dentist requested that I pay cash upfront for all the treatments - totalling more than €6250 (euro)
- and more ...
The dentist has demonstrated nothing but incompetence, poor judgemnet in use of dental materials, unethical behavior, and misconduct.
As I have no further interest in having the same incompetent 'dentist' (at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece) attempt to bungle his way in an effort to rectify his failed treatment, I am now demanding that the money I paid him for these dental failures (€4450) be returned to me. Needless to say, the sham 'dentist' is hitherto refusing to do so.
Since I have many more details to share with people about my terrible dental experiences, with your permission, might I publish a URL here for those interested?
More information about my bad dental experiences at the Laser Dental Clinic in Kalamata, Greece can be found at
Please avoid the aforementioned dental clinic, and go elsewhere for dental treatment if you are in Greece.
I wish you all well.
Thank you.