15:45 on Sunday, January 11, 2004
I was thinking of buying a piccolo so I could possibly play pic next year in band. I have been told Yamaha makes good pics as does gemeinhardt but Im not sure if I want to buy a gemeinhardt because a friend bought one and had a lot of problems with it. What do you guys recommend?
Re: Piccolo
16:58 on Monday, January 12, 2004
GEMEINHARDT!I just got one for Christmas,it is wonderful.Do not pick Yamaha over Gemeinhardt.
Re: Piccolo
18:22 on Monday, January 12, 2004
Re: Piccolo
19:10 on Monday, January 12, 2004
Yamaha is the best brand. I, myself, have an armstrong. They work excellent too!!
Re: Piccolo
22:44 on Monday, January 12, 2004
I know that they have wood metal and plastic piccolos, which is best?
Re: Piccolo
09:24 on Tuesday, January 13, 2004
my teacher uses plastic piccolos...shes a flute/piccolo expert so maybe u should get a plastic one.
oh and about the brand, my teacher says that germinhart
is not that goood....
infact shes says, grminhart, armstrong are not suitable student models (if thats wat ure buying)
Re: Piccolo
12:03 on Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Yeah, my teacher doesnt think too highly of gemeinhardts and armstrongs either, I was thinking Id get a yamaha, I just gotta figure out wether I want wood, metal or plastic. Thanx 4 the info.
Re: Piccolo
16:57 on Thursday, January 15, 2004
Im confused though, I thought yamaha was a cheap brand that you buy for less?
Re: Piccolo
18:21 on Thursday, January 15, 2004
(a person)
Yamahas are actually a little on the pricey side... If its in your price range go for it
Re: Piccolo
00:40 on Friday, January 16, 2004
I recieved a Gemeinhardt 4SP (silver) piccolo as a Christmas present in the 7th grade (currently in 9th). It did suffer an accidental fall on cement by a friend.. I got it repaired, and it`s playing really well.
I recommend Gemeinhardt piccolos, but they`re a little difficult to start off with. Although, when I play it, it sounds very airy and I haven`t had much maintenance done to it other than the repair from the fall..
Sorry, this didn`t help much.  But I guess I just hold true to my collection of Gemeinhardts by recommending it. Yamahas and Armstrongs are also really good choices; I`ve played on all types (silver, wood, plastic), and I happen to like the silver one the best out of all. There is a problem with tone change relating to temperature during marching season, so it really depends on what seasons/events you will be using your piccolo in.
Silver - Recommended for concerts, but also very versatile in both concert and marching. Temperature changes are a problem with the silver piccolo and can cause drastic tone changes.
Wood - Good for marching band, although can be risky if used in rainy weather. Wood can swell and crack if exposed to water.
Plastic - Much like the wood piccolo, but not really a favored choice of mine.
Re: Piccolo
18:32 on Saturday, January 17, 2004
I have been playing my Gemienhardt for a while now, since this past summer and I love it. I have a composite body and head ( all plastic) and i love it. I actully find it easier then all metal or metal head, i dont know why, it just is. ( for me atleast) and like the person before me said, all plactic is good for marching band especially ( it projects VERY well) as well as concert band. I play with my picc in both of these and i`v had no problems. All metal is good for both concert band and marching band but doesnt project as well. theres also one you can get which is a compostie body and a metal head. Thats good as well if you like the metal head but composite body. The wood one I feel is the best though but they are VERY expenisve and are very prown to getting cracked etc.... my opinion go with a all composite Geminhardt!
Re: Piccolo
16:40 on Monday, January 26, 2004
i have a gemeinhardt. it is so awesome! i would suggest gettin one!! i love mine so much~ its great for pep band!!!
Re: Piccolo
00:26 on Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Re: Piccolo
18:35 on Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Re: Piccolo
10:26 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
Hey ya`ll... it`s me, Chris.
I was looking around http://Gemeinhardt.com, and I found a link to piccolos. To check it out, just click the link, and once you are there, hover your mouse on top of the piccolos button; when the menu pops up, choose a type: silver, wood, or plastic.
Anyway, hope this helps!
God bless,