Comparing Projection?
20:33 on Monday, January 19, 2004
I play for my church, and projection is a problem for me. If I turn up my mic too much, it squeaks, so I`m really seeking a flute that projects well. I`ve heard open-holed Gemeinhardts are a good choice and I`m looking into a few models. I`m looking to step up from a student model to an intermediate level that will LAST.
Any ideas about brands, materials, embrochures, models, keys, whatever that may help?
greatly apreciated!
Re: Comparing Projection?
16:22 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
I beleive that gemeinhardts arew th best i think will if anything make it softer but if you still want a intermediat they come with caps until you learn how to project without them..i suggest a nice solid gemeinhardt... i will be getting one myself.. one of the best models.. a gemeinhardt 3S.. intermediate.. solid silver, gold lip plate, and B foot. that kind may help you
Re: Comparing Projection?
22:03 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
(a person)
I recently got a pearl quantz coda and it has nice projection but its a professional model.If you can afford it it is definately worth the money
Re: Comparing Projection?
16:25 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Re: Comparing Projection?
16:34 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004