double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
10:59 on Friday, January 23, 2004
I`ve got a student who has a double jointed 4th finger on her left hand. She`s complaining that her finger gets `stuck`, it straightens out and locks on the g key, and her finger cramps up. When she`s finished playing she has to rub her finger and exercise it. Has anyone had
a problem with this? She`s playing on an off set closed hole King flute. Thanks in advance!
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
22:31 on Friday, January 23, 2004
(a person)
I have never heard of someone haveing that problem...
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
03:14 on Saturday, January 24, 2004
what does it mean whn have double joints?
issit when u can move in directions that others cant?
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
14:37 on Saturday, January 24, 2004
Yes, she can bend the very top knuckle of one of her fingers down without bending her second knuckle. My brother has a double jointed thumb and he can move it all around.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
23:47 on Saturday, January 24, 2004
Try using a third to half a popcicle or craft stick to lenghten the G# Spatula. You can attach it with either double stick tape or a rubband. Experiment with different angles to find the most comfortable position. You may also want to adjust the resting position of the flute on the left hand 1st finger. They make special rests to attach to the flute. I use the sticky corn pads from the drug store. I also recommend starting you student on a finger exercises with a hand ball or hand exerciser and have her warm her hand up prior to playing. And be thankful your student is not playing on an open G# flute. Good Luck!!!
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
08:57 on Sunday, January 25, 2004
Thanks for the tips, Elaine, but I think we`re talking about the wrong key. It`s the G natural that she
is having a problem with. I`m a piano player so to me the 4th finger is to the finger immediately right/left of the pinky. Sorry it misled you! Any other ideas?
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
16:10 on Sunday, January 25, 2004
Since she is playing on a closed hole flute, you can use the craft sticks on that key as well. Still try a pading the lefthand hold position with a brown sticky pad from the drug store or a Bo-pep - check out Also, since it is her ring finger, she can try a curved finger splint from a medical supply store. I had a student sucessfully use one. We used two strips of velcro to attach it, so she would not have to tape it on every time.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
18:45 on Sunday, January 25, 2004
Thanks! Sounds like it might work. I`ll let you know how it turns out.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
23:24 on Sunday, January 25, 2004
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
22:11 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Hmmm, I never knew that THAT`S what double-jointed is. I mean, I`m a flute player [yes, I`m one of those RARE male flute players.  ], and I can bend the very top part of my fingers [well... all except for my index fingers] without bending the rest of the finger... though I rarely have a problem with that. Sometimes it would get stuck, but I would just have to relax and then grip my whole hand closed, which offsets that effect... then I`m clear.
Also, it never really hurts, so sorry I couldn`t help... I just thought I`d share that with ya! 
So, hope ya solve it! Say hey to your student for me. :D
God bless, adios
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
20:27 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
I also play flut and i have the same problem with my third, forth and fith fingers. I tends to hurt sometimes and it really gets in the way when you play I have that problem in both of my hands and als play clarinet and sax and piano and when i am done my fingers sometimes get stuck and they have to get moved around to go back to normal. I really do not think that there is anything that you can do about it if anyone finds out please email me it is really starting to get on my nerves when we do testing and I can not move my fingers the correct way.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
22:58 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
i have that same problem in my middle 3 fingers of my right hand and my 2nd finger (not the ring) of my left hand. i don`t play flute, i play fingers only get stuck wrong sometimes, but i find that if you just bend your fingers a bit before playing, it helps. heh, also, lotion your hands a bit, hehe. best of luck!
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
22:39 on Wednesday, February 11, 2004
I have the same problems out of my fingers and I play an open hole flute. I usually have to massage my fingers afterwards.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
18:52 on Monday, February 16, 2004
Thank you for the help but I have tried all of that and nothing seems to help.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
19:28 on Monday, February 16, 2004
all you can do is practice with it, best of luck!