Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
23:46 on Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I also have that finger double-jointed...but all of mine if you think that`s hard,my fingers get "stuck" all the time.
There`s not much you can do about it, it used to really hurt me at first but then I got used to it. Another things to consider-her placement on the keys. She could be pressing them too hard (I had this problem) or not making a decent "arch" with her fingers over the keys,thus causing them to not flatten out an dget stuck.
double jointed 4th finger HELP!
20:38 on Thursday, February 19, 2004
Thank you for the help and the encouragement. It sometimes gets a little annoying and the just makes me mad because i love to play a lot. I even play in a polka band.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
21:25 on Thursday, February 19, 2004
i play the sax actually, but my fingers get stuck a certain way sometime, usually my 3rd finger. I just have to stop playing and rub it and put it back into place.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
18:29 on Friday, February 20, 2004
Hey, I play flute and I`m double jointed in all my finger (and toes) but most of the time my pinky locks up. Theres really nothing I can do about it though. I doesn`t get stuck enough to where I have to exercise it, but its does get stuck and I do have stop playing and bend it alittle or pop my knuckles.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
22:28 on Sunday, February 22, 2004
I have that problem with my right hand pinky finger...usually hurts when i play...cause the main knuckle doesn`t bend it`s straight when i play and locks up..
double jointed fingers
09:16 on Saturday, March 13, 2004
I did not know that there were so many people like me that also play instruments because I am the only one in our high school band that has this problem. We have stage compitition comming up and I hope I can go through the whole thing without my fingers locking up. If someone has any ideas let me know.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
17:55 on Monday, March 15, 2004
I have had problems with being double jointed and one of my fingers is missing a knuckle from when I had broke it. I have now switched from a closed hole flute to an open hole and the difference in the finger positions has helped with my fingers locking up. I will have to agree with a previous post and say try to change the position of the fingers.
double jointed fingers
19:39 on Thursday, March 18, 2004
thank you for the advise I really appreciate it. I will try to do my best but I would hate to let down the rest of the band.
Re: stuck fingers
20:12 on Thursday, March 25, 2004
Check if her keys are parallel to the ground. They should be. If her keys are rolled back, it may be a contributor. Rolling back also causes trouble with tuning, so I`d advise this to all, locked fingers or no locked fingers. (If this doesn`t help, hopefully she won`t have to trill G#-A in a solo)
09:47 on Friday, May 21, 2004
Hello I came across this forum this morning while doing research on my condition Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or EDS. All m life I was told I was just double jointed, which in reality there is not such thing. We don`t have double joints. 30yrs later I finally found out through my 3yr old daughter what and why all my fingers locked and bent every which way. Why my knees locked, why I sat in the "W" position. With many other answers to other unexplainable things going on with my body. I would like to share a few websites for you to reveiw and learn more about the so called double jointed person. What it really is called is hypermobile of the joints. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the collagen in ones body thus resulting in hypermobility it also affects ones skin and organs depending on the type and severity. I myself have this as well as two of my children. When I was younger it was as bad but with age it has progressed. Now all of my joints are hypermobile and sublux which is a partial dislocation. If not careful in my activites I can fully dislocate them. As for musicians you can help the hypermobillity and locking in your fingers with Silver Ring Splints. They are a miracle, I wear them I have 20 of them two for each finger, I wear two of them 24-7 though. The link is below for your reveiw, you will need to get a script if you want your insurance to cover them. Either way you don`t have to have a script to get them, but you will have to have an occupational therapist fit and size your fingers.
Sites about EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)by the way we look normal!
and here is one of my sites that has pictures of our hypermobile joints some are more servere than others.
Blessing I hope this helps and answers your questions
Answers Here Please Read
09:49 on Friday, May 21, 2004
Another link
09:50 on Friday, May 21, 2004
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
03:39 on Monday, May 24, 2004
All my fingers are double jointed on both hands and I am a piano player and a flute player and I do have trouble with my fingers becoming stuck, especially when I am playing the flute, but if the person keeps on playing it after a while the fingers dont cramp up so bad.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
21:57 on Thursday, June 3, 2004
I play violin and I have the same problem! I don`t know how to fix it. It is also my 4th finger!
Thanks all!
22:08 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Hey all! Thanks for the replies! I`m sorry I didn`t get back here to check in. The problem my student has seems to be getting better on it`s own. We tried the popsical stick and she didn`t like it. She hasn`t complained of anymore pain.
I didn`t realize this was such a common problem. My sympathys to everyone who has it in one form or another!!!