Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
00:37 on Saturday, September 18, 2004
Have you tried silver ring splints? Its supposed to stop the fingers from bending too far backwards and if they go to far, by themeselves the other way, you can turn it around too.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
02:55 on Saturday, September 18, 2004
If you keep a curve in the finger, in the RIGHT direction, and do not allow it to go straight, then am I not right in saying that it will not then go BEYOND straight and jam?
If so, then it just needs a bit more player control, applying a little muscle to keep the bend in the finger, as most players do anyway.
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
20:55 on Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Wow, I have that on various fingers and have never had a problem...never thought of it...
Re: double jointed 4th finger! HELP!
03:58 on Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I also have a double jointed hand wonder is it a bad dieases? can it be cured
17:50 on Wednesday, October 13, 2004
It`s not a disease...*rolls eyes*
A few days after I read this thread, my right pinky started locking up and messing me up because it`s double jointed! How ironic is that?! Yeah...pretty much I think it`s because I don`t curl it and relax it like I should.
Me too
07:06 on Saturday, October 16, 2004
This is so weird. I`ve always been double jointed, predominatly in my left hand. I`ve found that sometimes my fingers do lock up, and I have to flex, or crack them myself to get them to work. I`ve never really thought of it as being a problem.
I used to get it quite a bit after learning the flute, but now it`s rarely as I arch my fingers slightly more so than I perhaps should do. This stops the fingers from straightning out and stops the problem of getting stuck. It`s just natural that i`ve gone onto that way of positioning. But then again I`m self taught, so my positioning was very much down to me, and no outside influence.
forth finger
10:30 on Tuesday, September 27, 2005
just like for when i play my saxaphone, very hard to trill, guess im not the only one!!!
Bendy fingers
11:53 on Tuesday, September 27, 2005
hey i`m double jointed in all my fingers and can bend them in almost any direction imagineable and totally painlessly. I play the flute piano guitar tin whistle recorder and irish drum and most of the time my hands are fine but if i play for to long sometimes my fingers go into spasms but it only lasts a minute or so
double joints
02:36 on Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I`ve got double jointed fingers...all 10 of them in fact and it does get pretty annoying trying to play the flute and piano with them. My piano teacher had a pretty good solution to this, but it does take quite a lot of time and patience to correct the double joints and I only bothered trying to correct my fourth and fifth fingers. Helps if you`ve got a keyboard to practice this`s kind of hard to explain on a forum!
You place your first and fourth fingers on two black keys, as far apart as you can stretch (like an octave) and holding the thumb down on the key, use the fourth finger to play the top note slowly. As you play the top note, use your fourth finger to play the top note, starting at the lower portion of the key, and progressivley getting higher as you continue playing, and then lower after you`ve reached the top portion of the note. You`ve got to do it pretty slowly...and for quite awhile. Also helps if your student is younger I think. Make sure as the finger stretches to get the top portion of the note,it does not `lock-up` and that the student is completely in control, and can feel the stretch.
This supposedly helps strengthen the muscles...and it did help me a fair bit with playing octaves and such on the piano.
Hope this makes sense and helps!