Getting Braces On
20:27 on Friday, January 30, 2004
I`m getting braces on pretty soon and I`m afraid that it will ruin my tone. Has anyone had braces and could give me some tips? Does anyone have any exercises especially made for braces? I`m getting the full braces- top and bottom teeth. I`ve always been first chair and i don`t want to give that up. I want to be totally prepared for this so it`s not a shock. Thanks for all of you help.
Re: Getting Braces On
12:57 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
I know someone who plays flute and has braces. He said that it was weird for the first few days, but that you`ll figure it out pretty quickly. They key seems to be practice as soon as you are able and do so as frequently as possible to reagin your tone. You may have to relearn how to use the subtleties of your mouth, so be prepared for that.
This topic came up recently in another forum I frequent and one of the flute repair technicians thinks that the end result of someone who has braces while playing flute is that the person will actually have much more control and increased flexibility. You just have a few initial hurdles.
Best of luck and keep practicing! 
Re: Getting Braces On
14:42 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
Scott –
For most of my students (those that are correcting an overbite) the typical issue after getting braces on is a very ‘airy’ tone. This is usually due to the fact the braces are pushing out the upper lip farther than the lower lip causing the air stream direction to be more in the hole instead of across the hole. An immediate fix for this is to roll out. I however recommend the following:
Learn to move your lower lip out independent of your lower jaw. Practice on just your head joint – throwing the octaves by moving your lower lip in and out. Once you can do this well on your head joint, put you flute back together and practice throwing octaves on different notes. Go both up and down (i.e. F1 - F2 – F3 – F2 – F1). Another good exercise is to start on low C (C1) and throw the over tones in thirds keeping the C1 fingering. Start on C1 throw the over tones up and then back down to C1. Then finger Db1 and repeat etc up the scale to F1.
It will take about two weeks are so to get back in top playing form. Also be prepared to make adjustments each time you get your braces tightened.
Re: Getting Braces On
17:20 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
would be getting braces be like piano where you cut your nails when they are long or something? well i think you will adjust easily. if you use a puck on a guitar then you dont have one, you can still play heaps good. hope the braces dont affect your playing when you get em.
Re: Getting Braces On
19:18 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
I had an honors recital the Sunday after I got my braces, but managed to pull it off. On the Thursday before the recital, I had my lesson, and couldn`t get a sound out. I was able to play by that Sunday (with a LOT of practice), but I didn`t sound fantastic. With enough practice, you`ll be back to normal, so don`t stress too much.
Good luck!
Re: Getting Braces On
20:12 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
I started flute about a year ago and have braces. It was a little hard to get used to but it really was not that bad you might have to adjust what you do but I do not think that you will have a problem with it.
Re: Getting Braces On
22:39 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
well i got braces at the beginning of the school year and the only problem i have is that my bottom front teeth hurt from pressing my lip againt the flute. i suggest taking some tylenol or advil before you play. hope i helped!
Re: Getting Braces On
16:01 on Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Make sure you where your wax at all times when you play!!! If you don`t it will cut up your lips way bad!
Re: Getting Braces On
00:24 on Thursday, February 12, 2004
Hey, I`ve been playing flute since the 6th grade and I`m in the 9th now. Flute is only my secondary instrument, but I find that it was much easier to play flute when I first got my braces on since you don`t worry about `biting` down on a mouthpiece. For the first couple of days your mouth will hurt, like everyones, but once you get used to your braces you willl get used to playing on the flute with them!
Re: Getting Braces On
16:24 on Sunday, February 15, 2004
(here to help!)
i got myn on two days before a music test and pulled it off. It took a bit of practice though. I don`t use wax or anything because I don`t need it. I don`t even notice my braces anymore!
Re: Getting Braces On
18:35 on Monday, February 16, 2004
I know what it is hard to play flute with braces and for sume people the brackets cul their lips when they play. I also play clarinet so It was also hard to play clarinet when I got my braces. Even with playing clarinet my lips get cut from trying to make a tight embrochur.
Re: Getting Braces On
19:37 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004
don`t worry I got first chair without and braces on
Re: Getting Braces On
21:19 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004
(here to help!)
I`m not in first chair and it ISN`T because of my braces!
Re: Getting Braces On
20:50 on Thursday, February 19, 2004
Braces will not cause much of a problem with getting first chair. The audition for first chair in the clarinet section was the day after I got my braces on and i still managedt to get first chair. Two days later I tried out to play flute in a polka band that I belong to and made that too. I had to practice a lot but i am still in first chair and my teeth are starting to look really good. The braces will pay off in the end.
Re: Getting Braces On
15:12 on Friday, February 27, 2004
i get myn off in 4 months yay