sheet music, preferribly FREE
sheet music, preferribly FREE
21:23 on Friday, February 6, 2004
hey yall! i was just wondering if anyone knows where i can find sheet music for the song "what is a youth" from 1968`s Romeo and Juliet!?!? thanks in advance :D
Re: sheet music, preferribly FREE
16:25 on Thursday, January 20, 2005
What is a youth? Impetous Fire
What is a maid? Ice and Desire
The world wags on
A Rose Will Bloom
It then will fade
So does a youth
So dooooooooooooooes the fairest maid!
I love that song! I also have been looking all over for it, but i can only find it in a book called, "The Singer`s Movie Anthology"
~Cupid, he rules us all.
Re: sheet music, preferribly FREE
18:31 on Wednesday, January 26, 2005
another fun way to learn music is by ear!!! There is some software out there that lets you slow down CD`s or MP3s on your computer so you can hear the part you want much slower then normal and figure it out.
First, download and install the winamp player from Then, search on that site in the plugins area for something called "slow me down". Once that`s installed you have to turn it on in the options of the software, but after that it`s easy, and really handy!