Ocarina info, if you please
22:53 on Sunday, February 8, 2004
I`m planning on buying an ocarina and have never played a wind instrument. I`m wondering if anybody can give me a link, or just some simple suggestions on how to play and other stuff like that. Thanks a bunch.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
17:09 on Monday, February 9, 2004
I bought a ocarina, bought I bought mine at a local craft fair.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
18:43 on Monday, February 9, 2004
I got mine from a website I think called songbird ocarinas
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
22:16 on Monday, February 9, 2004
(Yo Momma)
I bought mine at www.songbirdocarinas.com, great site, gives you a choice of different ocarinas and cheap songbooks.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
09:19 on Sunday, February 15, 2004
yeah i got one from there too!! they play great don`t they?? And they`re really easy to learn:-D
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
21:01 on Sunday, May 8, 2005
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
21:18 on Sunday, May 8, 2005
The interesting thing about them is that the position of the holes is irrelevant. What determines the note is the TOTAL amount of hole opening, whether it be one hole or several that are open.
For more technical information on this phenomenon include Helmholtz in your Google search.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
00:15 on Friday, May 27, 2005
playing is really easy! i got 1 and learned to play in an hour! i got a wonderful clay ocarina at the rennaisance festival. they r very cheap and yet very effective. u can also buy a $3 book that tells how to play and has fun and simple songs. good luck!
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
13:20 on Friday, May 27, 2005
(flute person)
Hi I got my ocarina from a company called i think songstones but it`s in the uk so the shipping is well expensive if you live in the us which i take it you do. it`s so easy that when my mum gave it to me at the dinner table i picked it up and played it straight away! it`s probably just as well you don`t already play a wind instrument because i already play flute and i find i take too much breath for the ocarina.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
00:05 on Sunday, July 10, 2005
Can someone email me where I can find free online songbooks or places where I can learn to play various ocarina songs? I found a couple sites, but most of the songs are pretty cheesy. (Mary had a little lamb, etc..) ;-)
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
04:35 on Sunday, July 10, 2005
Just play tunes you already know in your head, or from a flute or recorder book.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
01:56 on Sunday, August 14, 2005
just go to www.songbirdocarina.com and try to learn and memorize the zelda series songs.like the song of time and saria`s song.(the song of time is cool).or try to come up with ur own songs.or if u can...try to find out the fingering positions for the song of storms from the zelda series.oh well good luck
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
21:08 on Friday, September 9, 2005
I got my ocarina in a shop in Maui. they have differant sizes, and he ocarina of time. Plus you get a songbook that teaches you how to play it. I learned "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" (Clint Eastwood). it sounds really cool, plus is easy to learn.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
00:03 on Saturday, September 10, 2005
Anyone know what kind of clay is used in making them? I thin k it would be cool to make one.
Re: Ocarina info, if you please
19:47 on Friday, September 30, 2005
(wannabe muscisian)