Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
17:31 on Thursday, February 12, 2004
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
21:34 on Thursday, February 12, 2004
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
12:45 on Friday, February 13, 2004
I`m not trying to be mean but it is embochure.
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
12:46 on Friday, February 13, 2004
OOPS! Even I spelt it wrong. It`s embouchure. lol.
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
16:19 on Friday, February 13, 2004
i`ll see what happens.
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
21:59 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
When I got my braces off, I could pick up my flute and just start playing right away, and my tone was also less airy. Not like when I got them on...I had to change my embrochure and I couldn`t get a sound out for a few days.
22:13 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
I play french horn, so it`s not quite the same, but i found that getting used to playing without braces was easier than getting used to playing with them.
My range was extended and i could play for longer when i had them off.
You`ll be fine 
Re: Getting rid of BRACES- will ambishure (can`t spell) be okay.
16:18 on Wednesday, April 6, 2005
It was difficult adjusting with the braces but doable and when they were removed it took some getting used too and practice but ultimately found it does sound way better I think because with all the junk in your mouth you can`t relax your lips and throat as much with out them so hang in there. I had to start with a metal expander on the roof of my mouth for several months then added top braces for 1-2 years and bottoms for a year all during my highschool playing and was able to adjust but when I got all that crap out like i said I could relax more and made my lips more flexible and less tight. So you can do it!