How to do vibrato...?
21:51 on Sunday, February 29, 2004
Anyone have any tips? I`ve been playing the flute for a year or two now and I really want to know how. I`ve heard about the diaphragm thing but I`m completely lost on //how// to actually make the sound. >_>
Re: How to do vibrato...?
22:03 on Sunday, February 29, 2004
well try to breath in more and firm your stomache
Re: How to do vibrato...?
22:32 on Monday, March 1, 2004
I`ve been told that a good way to practice is by keeping your mouth and throat the same, while pushing different amounts with your stomach. I`ll try to do a computer image of what the air should look like:
The 3 dashes at either end show where the pitch normally is, so you go both above and below the pitch. Start slow, and slowly (with a metromone) work it up faster and faster. It didn`t work for me, but that`s what multiple teachers have told me to do, and what most people I know used to learn vibrato.
Good luck,
Re: How to do vibrato...?
11:17 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004
there`s 3 major types of vibrato
one is where you use your diaphragm and pulse the airstream
one you can shift the flute back and forth, or for slow vibrato roll the head forward and back
and then there`s finger vibrato which usually works best on an open hole flute. you cover and uncover a hole a few open holes down from the note you`re playing. if you watch a good irish flute or whistle player all they use is finger vibrato.
Re: How to do vibrato...?
23:22 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Try sort of saying ta-huh-huh-huh while your legs are spread apart and your head between them...Sounds wierd but it helps