Playing Jazz on a Flute.
Playing Jazz on a Flute.
10:16 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
I started playing the flute, after something like seven years of Recorder.
Lately, I`ve been listening to Jazz CDs, in which the most dominant instrument is the Sax. I realized that I really want to play the Sax, well, or Jazz on the Flute. But my major problem is that I couldn`t find any good Jazz flute track that will encourage me to play the Flute and not turning to other Jazz instruments (such as the Sax). The only tracks I found were stuff like that:
Which are, for my opinion, really... bad.
I wanted to know if there are any flute players who play real Jazz, like all of those Bass-Drums-Piano-Saxophone Quartets.
I`m looking for that Saxy Jazz style, if that`s possible on the flute.
Please, if you can, write here some names of famous Jazz Flute players, so I will be encouraged to keep playing on the flute, knowing that there is hope for flute in the Saxophone-ruled world of Jazz.
Because I want to play the flute (not only Jazz), and the Recorder, both very seriously, and three instruments (flute, recorder, sax) is just too much.
I hope you got what I wrote in this weird word scrabble.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
10:19 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
By the way, what do you think is the latest age for getting started on the Saxophone, and being good (not a pro or something, just good)? (if in a 5-6 years [I`m 13 now] I`ll decide to buy a cheap Sax and play Jazz.)
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
20:35 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
17:42 on Thursday, March 11, 2004
I don`t play flute, my daughter does, I play sax, but I bought a CD for her by Herbie Mann it really good and Jazz to the core. There is also another CD of various artist`s called Heavy Flute.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
13:20 on Sunday, April 11, 2004
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
16:05 on Wednesday, April 14, 2004
hey, i`m a fourteen yr old who plays sax. i switched over from flute when i was twelve. it was the best thing i ever did. maybe not for u, but just b/c of my personal preference. i also still have my fifty three yr old flute and also a clarinet and a C melody sax. b/c i bought the C Sax which is the same key as a flute i was looking for a jazz book too. i wen to G&M (the local music store) and i found a Jim Snidero jazz book. they have them for flutes, clarinets, sax, piano, trumpet, and trombone. ask ur local music store to order it for you.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
15:27 on Saturday, December 11, 2004
Hello, Im a highschool band student who plays flute and also just took up the alto sax in about october..I learned very fast how to get the sax down, and Im still learning but I`m now confident about it. I listen to that flute jazz sampple you that puts great shame to a flute. (smiles) It sound so weird...anyways..good luck with your music..its such a womderful experiance.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
21:59 on Saturday, December 11, 2004
hi there...i find that herbie man is a wonderful jazz flute player. i listen to him often, and he`s given me some wonderful inspiration, particularly in the area of jazz solos for flute. his style is both sexy, and upbeat. if you can find his CD`s i`d suggest trying them out!
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
10:18 on Sunday, December 12, 2004
The first place I would recommend is the CD Atlantic Jazz Flutes. The playlist includes songs by Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Herbie Mann, Yusef Lateef and Hubert Laws. Most of these musicians were multi-instrumentalists,but they did play flute on some of their better known songs.
CD`s for Roland Kirk I would recommend Bright Moments, We Free Kings, and on I Talk to the Spirits, it is all flute jazz.
Check out some of the other names, and you might find what your looking for.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
13:43 on Monday, December 13, 2004
i was just going to say Hubert Laws as well. Great player. A jazz bassist friend of mine made some kind of joking statement that "all the best sax players are also flute players" or vice versa. I can`t remember now, just having woken up (yeah, it`s late).
Jean-Michel Veillon is another interesting player from Brittany (among the MANY greats that play this style of flute.. Matt Molloy, Chris Norman, etc.) who plays jazzy traditional music. I think there is some information on him at, and you can hear audio clips if you click around.
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
01:29 on Tuesday, December 14, 2004
There is a great jazz pianist, Kenny Barron, who generously mentors musicians and maintains a web site with jazz links. If you try this site of his, and click on his jazz links (the sax icon), you will pop a list of jazz flutists to check out.
In addition these days, he has mentored an up and comer, named Anne Drummond, who must have come right out of the Seattle High Schools to his band. She played with Kenny Barron`s band when I saw them locally in NJ. Anne Drummond was phenomenal.
Best wishes.
Vintage Selmer Flute is Great!
13:55 on Tuesday, December 14, 2004
(Hal Cooper)
Check out Dave Valentin. Some of the stuff he does is too technical to be improvised. You can tell he worked it out, but he is a fantastic player. Tim Weisberg is worth a listen. Check out some of the early Hubert/Ronnie Laws records. Joe Farell plays a mean flute on the early Chick Corea recordings.
Listen to my Selmer Flute at:
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
18:29 on Thursday, December 16, 2004
im a jazz floutist, there are MANY... for some truly sick flute jazz/ virtuoso playing pick up the cd called The Flute... it has Dennis Diblasio (bari sax and flute player!) playing St. Thomas while doing a drum beat (beat box/ skat playing). its INSANE... some jazz flute players;
Mark Lotz, Herbie Mann, Nestor Torres, Hubert Laws, David Williams (of Williams Flutes!), Chip Shelton, and there are many more... They may not let you in jazz band, but if you practice, when those jazz players at school hear you jammin`, they will all be put to shame! 
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
07:31 on Friday, December 17, 2004
I play the flute for 9 years now and I did jazz for 2 years. There sure are a lot of jazz pieces for flute, like serenade to a cuckoo (from roland kirk), this is a song you must hear!
Re: Playing Jazz on a Flute.
08:05 on Sunday, December 19, 2004