good brand begginer flutes,please help!
good brand begginer flutes,please help!
00:44 on Monday, July 5, 2004
At school for the first year of playing our band instrument we hire them, then the second year we are required to buy our own, can someone tell me a good begginer flute brand!
please help!
Re: good brand begginer flutes,please help!
03:21 on Monday, July 5, 2004
well... It depends on how devoted you are to playing in band...
If you really want to stay in band and get better,
buy a yamaha, you can never go wrong with Yamaha
if you are really not sure if band is right for you, try renting a flute instead (but be careful, rental fees screw you over if you rent for a long time)
But yeah... Yamaha is the way to go lol
Re: good brand begginer flutes,please help!
09:56 on Monday, July 5, 2004
Yes, Yamaha is good. Gemeinhardts are also fairly popular in beginners... I first played on a Gemeinhardt M2. I don`t think they still make those anymore, but you can usually find one used. The Gemeinhardt 2SP is good as well.
Don`t buy a nickel plated flute, unless you don`t plan on staying in band for long. Go with silver plated... they`re a bit more, but they`re worth it.
Re: good brand begginer flutes,please help!
13:40 on Monday, July 5, 2004
Gemeinhardts have bad tonality. I mean they are good for a first instrument I suppose but I had one and it gave me too many problems.
Pearl and Yamaha are good but Yamaha is a bit pricey.