new flute for me?
16:38 on Thursday, August 12, 2004
I am a 6th year flute player, I was never that good but then I started oboe as my primary instrument less than a year ago. My flute has gone missing. I just need a durable student model for marching band. (You CANNOT march with double reeds.) What model/brand should I get.
Re: new flute for me?
19:46 on Friday, August 13, 2004
Gemeinhardt is what I started out with. It`s durable and not too terribly expensive.
Re: new flute for me?
09:56 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
Since it`s for marching band, it`s important that you get a cheaper flute, one you won`t mind getting beat up. Marching band can be terrible for the instruments... you`ll come home with dents and scratches and pads that are screwed up from playing out in the rain. Running into a tuba is NOT a good idea
Find a used flute that you can project well on. You need to be able to play loudly, but of course not out of tune.
Re: new flute for me?
10:01 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
I`m personally not a fan of the lower-end Gemeinhardts... my marching flute is an old M2 and it has a very limited dynamic and color range, as compared with other brands. However it does seem very durable and I`ve never had any problems with it yet.
Yamaha is a very good brand though.
Re: new flute for me?
04:08 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
If you need a flute for marching season I would reccomend a Yamaha because the best thing about their instruments is that they are very durable and have a long life (before being repaired)
Yamaha student models range from probably $500-$600 but I`m not sure.
It`ll be worth every penny you pay though ^^
Re: new flute for me?
20:45 on Monday, August 16, 2004
Re: new flute for me?
15:50 on Friday, August 20, 2004
I`m getting an open hole flute and I`ve heard that they`re bad for marching or outside playing. Is that true? I play outside for pep band during football season and we march in a couple parades.
open hole outside
15:51 on Friday, August 20, 2004
I`m getting an open hole flute and I`ve heard that they`re bad for marching or outside playing. Is that true? I play outside for pep band during football season and we march in a couple parades.