What is the best brand reed?
21:40 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
What is the best brand of reeds? I use a "Vandurburen" I used to play on a "Rico" and what a about a "Flavorreed"?
Re: What is the best brand reed?
18:41 on Thursday, September 15, 2005
I think Vandorens are hard to beat, especially the "black master" variety.
Plastic reeds are good for marching band since field practices can be pretty abusive to finicky, easily-damagable reeds.
Flavored reeds? I`ve never used them but have heard that the peaches and cream flavor is the best(although some of my friends strongly recommend raspberry)
Re: What is the best brand reed?
00:08 on Friday, September 16, 2005
i suggest using vandorens. THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!