Alternative A flat Fingering

Alternative A flat Fingering    12:13 on Wednesday, January 25, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by Oko

I`m almost positive I used to know a false fingering for the A flat 1 line above the ledger but I can`t remember it. The normal fingering is thumb, register, first 3 and side key. For the song I`m currently playing any alternate fingering would be extremely useful.

Re: Alternative A flat Fingering    14:38 on Thursday, January 26, 2006          

(24 points)
Posted by Shan

its one of those pesky notes, along with the lower C#... ive played for 6 years and not once have i come upon anyone mentioning anything about an alternate fingering.. in fact i know theres none because if there was my teacher would have taught it to me during this one difficult passage.

le sorry

Re: Alternative A flat Fingering    10:03 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          

(587 points)
Posted by Dennis

There is a very, VERY false fingering for Ab. I would only ever use it if you are going really fast and have nowhere to get that LH pinky over. It is Reg key, LH Thumb, LH Pointer, LH Middle, RH Pointer, RH Middle. The note is quite unclear. You can definitely hear the pitch, but it sounds constrained a little.


Re: Alternative A flat Fingering    10:04 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          

(587 points)
Posted by Dennis

by the doesn`t work for C#, though.


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