Ask a professional Clarinetist your questions

Ask a professional Clarinetist your questions    09:15 on Thursday, January 26, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by Wizard_of_Iz

Hello Clarinetists!
I just thought i`d let you know that if you want questions answered by a pro - please go to the Sound exchange - the Philharmonia Orchestra`s Interactive Education Website. Because... On 5 Feb 2006 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, Paavo Järvi will conduct

TÜÜR Concerto for Violin & Clarinet, Noēsis (European Première)
RACHMANINOV Symphony No. 2

The soloists for Tüür`s Concerto will be Isabelle van Keulen - violin
and Michael Collins - clarinet.

Richard will be interviewing Michael Collins on Tuesday,
so if you have any clarinety questions, please post them in the forum -

Any and all questions are welcome - for example -

What kind of clarinet do you play?
How far in advance do you start to prepare a piece for a concert?
What is you favourite clarinet concerto?

More info on the concerto below...

Estonian-born Erkki-Sven Tüür is one of the most exciting and accessible composers to have emerged from Eastern Europe. Like Rachmaninov, whose music is also featured in this evening`s programme, he is involved in contemporary culture as well as classical music, citing influences as eclectic as Gregorian Chant and 70s pop music. Noēsis, the Greek word for the process of cognition and understanding, received its world première in Detroit, where it was received rave reviews:

`....Tüür`s mesmerizing concerto with violinist Isabelle van Keulen and clarinettist Michael Collins. Tüür`s sound world is a brooding collage of atonal spikes, ghostly wisps, severe crescendos, pulsating rhythms, stuttering repetitions and spirals, calm stasis and disarming melody.`
Detroit Free Press, June 2005

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Re: Ask a professional Clarinetist your questions    12:15 on Wednesday, February 1, 2006          

(48 points)
Posted by Music-ace44

Hey, i was just wondering. My grade 10 instrumental music teacher told me not to use vibrato on the clarinet. I downloaded a song called Terpischore and it said to use it. So, my question is thus: Should you or should you not use vibrato on the clarinet??

Please reply!!! Thanks


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