learning clarinet repair

learning clarinet repair    14:07 on Thursday, January 26, 2006          

(5 points)
Posted by amy

Does anyone know if there is a school or workshop in the NE US where I could learn to make and repair clarinets and other woodwinds?

Re: learning clarinet repair    19:16 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          

(9 points)
Posted by drummajorgal

The way that I learned to repair my clarinet is by sitting down with the guy that I had repair my clarinet and watching what he did. He would also explain alot of things to be to help me understand what he did. As I watched him I learned how to repair my clarinet when I could not get it to him. After a while I basically knew most of what I needed to know. By that time I had already taken my whole clarinet apart and throughy cleaned and polished the keys replaced and pads that needed replacing. When I put it all back together it played much better then it used to. I would say the best thing to do is find someone that will let you watch them when they fix your clarinet and ask them to tell you what they do to fix it.


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