Contrabass Clarinet
Contrabass Clarinet
22:57 on Friday, February 17, 2006
Re: Contrabass Clarinet
05:10 on Sunday, February 19, 2006
 Cookie68 (34 points)
I have been playing clarinet for 7 and a half years now, so I`m a pretty reliable source  !!! Using contrabass clarinets is pretty un heard of, at least where I have lived. The only assumption I can make about the type of music you would play would be that it is similar to that which low brass or bassoons and contrabassoons would play. This would most probably not be the melody, perhaphs a harmony but Im not entirely sure.
I can`t reccommmend anything, except, unless you are experienced clarinetist, and have a strong steady embrouchure, DON`T TRY A Eb Soprano!!!! They are the piccolo flute of the clarinet family. They are hard to play in tune, and unlike the piccolo flute, the fingerings are not overly similar to those of a clarinet in A or Bb. In that respect I would reccommend that you play the Bb or Eb Contrabass Clarinet.
I`m not entirely sure, but you might have trouble playing the lower of the two, the Bb. If it is like a bassoon to playing a Contrabassoon, then you will have to put alot more air into the instrument(again, I`m reliable, I play bassoon and oboe too  )I would assume that the fingerings on the Bb Contrabass would also be different.
I have a question, do you mean the CONTRA ALTO CLARINET IN Eb? Because that would be the easiest for you. It has exactly the same fingerings as a normal Bb Clarinet. It has an extra key down the bottom which extends the range a semi-tone below the normal Bb ones, it goes to a Eb instead of an E. The only real difference would be the high notes. I don`t know much about them. This is also alot more commonly used than a Contrabass Bb Clarinet, it would have more........exciting music because of its neutral range.
If you want further information on other clarinets in the family, check out this sight:
I hope I was of SOME help!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Contrabass Clarinet
13:51 on Sunday, February 19, 2006
Re: Contrabass Clarinet
13:52 on Sunday, February 19, 2006
Re: Contrabass Clarinet
02:02 on Monday, February 20, 2006
Re: Contrabass Clarinet
18:42 on Monday, February 20, 2006