All Southern California Junior High Band Auditions

All Southern California Junior High Band Auditions    15:15 on Saturday, December 2, 2006          

(5 points)
Posted by tikiman53

Hi, my Junior High All Southern California band auditions are coming up really soon, and I heard that you have to sight read as part of the audition. Is this true? If so, how can I prepare for this? Are these sight reading tests hard? Sight reading is the weakest part of my playing...

Re: All Southern California Junior High Band Auditions    16:09 on Saturday, December 2, 2006          

(344 points)
Posted by laeta_puella

I would recommend seeing if they have a website with audition requirements. If you can't find out for sure, prepare as if it is a part of the audition. If you have a book of etudes or peices you haven't played all off, practice sight-reading those. My private lessons teacher and I play duets out of his duet book to practice sight-reading... we take turns picking. since he knows the peices, he picks ones he likes, and i pick ones with non-complicated key signatures


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