Clarinet neck straps
02:48 on Sunday, December 3, 2006
 nytheatreaddict (1 point)
Posted by nytheatreaddict
I was recently informed by my clarinet instructor that I need to get a neck strap for my clarinet. I can't find a place that sells clarinet neck straps, so could I just use an alto neck strap? My clarinet already has a little loop on it to attach a neck strap to.
Re: Clarinet neck straps
21:54 on Sunday, December 3, 2006
 electric-clarine t
Posted by electric-clarinet
I've never heard of people using clarinet neck straps. Is there a certain reason why you need one?
Re: Clarinet neck straps
22:51 on Sunday, December 3, 2006
Re: Clarinet neck straps
19:05 on Tuesday, December 5, 2006
 shrinkingclarine t1991
Posted by shrinkingclarinet1991
I think it's a personal preference thing, but I can't see why it would be required. I used one when I broke my wrist and the cast didn't allow me to grip my clarinet, but I've never understood the use of everyday neck straps. But yeah, if you really want one a saxaphone strap will work. Peice of advice though (I also play sax), get one that clips on not just hooks-its safer.
Re: Clarinet neck straps
22:48 on Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Re: Clarinet neck straps
15:54 on Thursday, December 7, 2006
 laeta_puella (344 points)
neckstraps are used for clarinets sometimes to allow more freedom of finger movement (so you don't have to have your thumb anchored so much, i guess) or because of thumb/wrist stress or pain. If your clarinet has a hook for a strap already, I suppose you can use whatever works. since most clarinets don't have a ring for a neckstrap, clarinet neckstraps usually have a little (i think) leather bit on the end that attatches over the thumb rest. I believe clarinet straps are often elastic-y, as well, as opposed to the sturdy nylon webbing or cord, but i may be mistaken. I use a saxophone neck strap for my bass clarinet (actually i have to go get a new one tonight, it got lost) when i need to play standing, but different stuff may work better for sopranos.
as a side note, i know quite a few clarinetists who use neck straps.
i forgot to say- they generally aren't used for marching band, due to the fact that the horns need to be held in positions that don't work with a strap (like at to-the-ready)
Re: Clarinet neck straps
17:57 on Thursday, December 7, 2006
Re: Clarinet neck straps
10:36 on Saturday, December 9, 2006
Re: Clarinet neck straps
13:19 on Friday, December 29, 2006
 stevesklar (70 points)
I find using a strap on soprano clarinet also helps on tone, as you don't have to worry about holding up thet clarinet. but then, I also have right hand issues so that is my primary reason.
I find alot of sax players who double on clarinet like the thumb hook option when I do repairs/regulation. but few clarinet only players use that option.
some buffets come with that hook option. Others are available as options. Leblanc/Noblet/Normandy sell to repair shops a thumb replacement option, such as: near the bottom in Clarinet Accessories
Re: Clarinet neck straps
08:00 on Saturday, December 30, 2006
 Ida (60 points)
I've played clarinet in 12 years, and last spring I bought myself a neck strap. My thomb suddenly started feeling a bit weird, and then I thought this would help. And wow.. it did... I don't see any other reason to buy one... But maybe your clarinet teacher has another reason for you to buy one (why not just ask her/him?).
Mine is a BG and with nylon on elastic. Here is a link:<Added>I forgot.. You don't have to get a new thumb rest to use it. I have thise leather pads, that you can use on your own thumb rest :)
Re: Clarinet neck straps
16:49 on Thursday, April 12, 2007
Re: Clarinet neck straps
19:28 on Thursday, April 12, 2007
Re: Clarinet neck straps
15:04 on Friday, April 13, 2007
Re: Clarinet neck straps
21:15 on Friday, April 13, 2007
Re: Clarinet neck straps
00:12 on Sunday, April 15, 2007