Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
06:08 on Friday, December 8, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
16:02 on Friday, December 8, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
16:29 on Friday, December 8, 2006
 kato (66 points)
it is true different reeds have different strengths, but if the reed becomes water sogged you wont be able to get higher notes, and could sound bad, thins sometimes happens.
also, reeds can warp, you mentioned a bigger gap, make sure the reed is still straight, just sit it on a table and see.
you can also customise reeds. if you dont have the proper equipment, then wet/dry sandpaper does the job, however, i would not recommend this, as it is difficult to perfect, and you go through many reeds, i gave up. if you do try, the reed needs to stay symetrical'
there are care methods for reeds, such as cleaning the reeds after use. if found a good webpage about it a while back, but cant find it anymore~ill post it here if i ever do find it.
finally, there are some reeds that are just bad and cant be played on, there are a few in every box...
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
00:49 on Saturday, December 9, 2006
 ecollen (7 points)
Many thanks for the helpful replies.
Thanks, laeta_puella, I’m starting to suspect that the brand could perhaps be (part of) the problem: different brand, inferior (?) brand. But I’ll try what you suggest. And I like your advice that use is the best way to break them in. Something like: when in doubt, play! Good advice indeed.
I think I should try to get a few Rico Royals again and then alternate them with these Chinese ones. I suppose it’s always a good idea to have a few reliable, broken-in ones handy.
I’ve been hearing more and more about Vandorens, so I guess I should try one or two of them too. It seems they’re highly thought of. I didn’t know they tend to be stiffer though. I’ll bear that in mind.
Many thanks for your help.
Hi, Kato, thanks for all the ideas. I’ll check the reed for warping. I never thought of that.
I’ll carry on with this particular one a little longer, though I think I might’ve wrecked it already, because I’ve actually tried scraping it down. Not a problem though, as I’ve learned quite a lot in the process. But I’ll try another new one out of the box soon, and if it also feels difficult, I’m definitely going to try sanding it lightly. I can well imagine it must be quite an art, so I won’t be too disappointed if I spoil a few. But, then, I might just strike it lucky!
Yes, please post the name of that web page if you find it. It sounds as if it could be useful.
And, as you all say, there’s always a few duds in the box. I’ll remember that.
Many thanks.
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
12:16 on Saturday, December 9, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
16:54 on Saturday, December 9, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
01:23 on Sunday, December 10, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
15:15 on Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
01:16 on Thursday, December 14, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
11:01 on Friday, December 15, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
01:19 on Saturday, December 16, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
09:14 on Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
23:09 on Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
19:23 on Thursday, December 21, 2006
Re: Why are my new reeds so difficult to play?
21:45 on Thursday, December 21, 2006