getting rid of airy sound

getting rid of airy sound    08:06 on Wednesday, December 13, 2006          

(20 points)
Posted by Mozartian

how do you get rid of the airy sound in the middle C to open G range when you play soft?

Re: getting rid of airy sound    13:18 on Wednesday, December 13, 2006          

(60 points)
Posted by shelly_belly

those notes are known as your throat tones, they never sound as good as the rest of your notes, however the airy sound might not even be a problem, often when you play you can hear a lot of air, as you need a lot of air to play, it is just more obvious when you are playing quietly, it is likely that you are the only one who can hear the air, there was a phase I went through when I got really paranoid about how airy my sound was to me but my teacher insisted that it was because I was using plenty of air (which is good) and that if you stand back a bit from the clarinet you cannot hear the sound, play for a friend or your teacher and ask them whether or not your sound is airy and take it from there, it may be that you sound isn't airy at all, or you might find that it is airy and then you can try to fix it, but the point i'm trying to make is make sure you are not trying to fix a non-existant problem, take care, shelly x

Re: getting rid of airy sound    19:19 on Thursday, December 14, 2006          

(20 points)
Posted by Mozartian

but sometimes i can play throat notes with no airy sound.

but other times i cant.

Re: getting rid of airy sound    22:31 on Thursday, December 14, 2006          

(66 points)
Posted by kato

i have experinented with airyness in the throat notes. i found that when you tighten the embouchure the airyness goes away, but this can affect the overall tone and sharpens(i think-its been a while since i tried) the note slightly.

Re: getting rid of airy sound    08:58 on Wednesday, December 20, 2006          

(61 points)
Posted by bareego

I had the same problem with the airynes of those notes...

Luckily I've been attending a little soiree with my bassoon teacher, my first performance, yay

And there was also a VERY good clarinettist, so I asked her about this issue.

And she showed me to cover the holes on the lower section with your 3 middle fingers while you play those notes.
As long as the pitch still works it really makes those notes a lot less stuffy.
At least it did for me. Try it out and let me know if it worked for you as well.


Re: getting rid of airy sound    14:05 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          


try not soaking your reed so long. it really helped me.


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