Mouthpiece and ligature

Mouthpiece and ligature    01:43 on Wednesday, July 11, 2007          

(8 points)
Posted by Thanetlearner

Hi forum. I am new to this forum so there have probably been several similar posts but as an adult learner of the clarinet I just wanted to write. I have the Buffet B12 as was recommended to learn on. Yesterday I took a trip to London and bought a Vandoren B40 lyre mouthpiece and a BG Super Revelation ligature (after trying out many other makes and models).
I am so pleased with the results - it really sounds like a new instrument - and a much improved one at that!!

Can anyone tell me - at what point (or grade) should I be considering changing to a wooden clarient?

Does anyone have any tips/advice for an adult learner. I do manage to practice daily and have lesssons weekly and about to take grade 2.


Re: Mouthpiece and ligature    02:29 on Wednesday, July 11, 2007          

(32 points)
Posted by Klarinet88

Well, here in Belgium almost everyone plays on a wooden clarinet from the very beginning. It sounds so much better. But as you already have a clarinet, I would suggest to buy a new one when you feel that you got the hang of clarinet playing and you can't improve you're tone much more on your other instrument.

I know some adults who are learning to play the clarinet at the moment and I notice they sometimes have some difficulties with the fluent use of their fingers. So I would say: play a lot of scales and finger exercices.

And about your mouthpiece: if it works for you a B40 is a very good mouthpiece. I have a B45 myself, and am very happy with it.

I wish you lots of fun learning the clarinet.


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