JustinBoi (1 point)
Okay, so I bought this Buffet Crampon/Evette Clarinet on eBay for.. a somewhat good price. I just received it today and it doesn't exactly play right.. I've been playing clarinet for 4 years now and I know what it is supposed to sound like and.. it doesn't sound right in my ears. The lady said she never played it so I thought it needed to be broken in a bit but I don't think clarinets can get broken into. So I tried different reeds and everything but nothing made it sound different. A-flat, A, B-flat, G, E, + F, all sound good. But when going down to D, C, and below it starts having a weird sound coming out with the note more like.. its amplified. Then the higher notes like B, C, D, E, F (higher notes) won't come out. I blow air into it and it starts to come out and it squeaks. When it does come out, it sound like a higher note than it is supposed to sound. The B sounds like D, and the C sounds like E or F. And I am pressing the right buttons and all, just saying.
Any help would be most appreciated. I think it might be the pads..