clarinetvirtuoso (7 points)
Posted by clarinetvirtuoso
I have played the Clarinet for about 11 years, so I am well experienced in this field, and I am not aware of your playing abilities, so do what you think is best, and what you are ready for. If you have any doubt, ask a music/band teacher, or even better, a professional clarinetist.
If you want a darker sound, one contributing factor might be your instrument, so it depends on the instrument you are playing. Buffet Crampon is always good. Wooden Clarinets are the best.
As for mouthpieces, reasonably priced mouthpieces are Vandoren, I believe the best Vandorens are the "Vandoren Masters Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece", that mouthpiece comes in two facings, the CL4 facing provides more stable intonation and articulation, and the CL5 facing (which is more suited to your particular need) provides a more dark, centered, and overall better sound.
My personal prefrence for mouthpieces are Clark W. Fobes' mouthpieces, the best and the one I use, the "Clark W Fobes CWF Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece", and that is a really expensive mouthpiece, but it is, in my opinion, the best.
But all Clark W. Fobes moutpieces are good.
Also, you might want to consider getting a diffrent barrel. I believe that Clark W. Fobes makes very good barrels, that really improve your sound. Also, Buffet Crampon makes good barrels, the best of which is the "Moennig" barrel. If you decide to get another barrel, consider the length of the barrel. First, measure the barrel you are currently using (in millimeters). Then, if when your clarinet is assembled and is pushed all together completely, are you usually sharp or flat? If you are sharp, get a longer barrel, if you are flat, get a shorter barrel. When you tune the next time, tune on your written "G", the one where no keys are pressed and when no fingers are down. When that note is in tune, measure the gap between your upper joint and barrel, and apply that to your barrel measurement. A word to the wise, if you are going to get a longer barrel, don't go to long, because if you become flat, you cant push in anymore, so it is better to be shorter than longer.
When it comes to reeds, I use (and love) "Olivieri" reeds, specifically the "Olivieri Elite Bb Clarinet Reeds". However, these reeds run a bit harder than most reeds, so a 3 Olivieri would be equivalent to about a 3.5 Vandoren. The reason I prefer Olivieri is because, for one, out of the 5 reeds in a box, all of them are fantastic, whereas Vandoren, out a box of 10 reeds, maybe 5, 6 at the most are okay, even the "56 Rue Lepic" reeds, which is their best make of reed. Also, Marca is good too.
I hope I have helped make your decision easier.
Best of luck!
Also, all of the items I mentioned and more can be found at the "1 Stop Clarinet and Sax Shop", you can find them by typing that into a search engine. And I swear by them, and no one put me up to any of this.
Best of luck!