Paces for songs
18:09 on Wednesday, November 12, 2003
hi, what does Molto Marc. mean? Its a pace in our music and i dont understand what it means...I tried to translate it and molto came out A LOT in German...please e-mail me at b/c i can never find your posts...thanx!
get what you want
21:45 on Saturday, November 22, 2003
To get to the first question asked on this forum: `Any advantages?` I think we should agree NO!
There`s no objective advantages. Only subjective ones. i.e you like the tone, or think you do.
Objectively they are heavier, need more care, get dirtier quicker (especially if oiled, of course), can suddenly crack dramatically and die on you, cost more initially and limit you to playing indoors.
Note that about all the people who vouch for wooden horns are talking about the tone which they find better.
Thousands of musicians have continual dissatisfaction with their tone, regardless of what they play, and always will have, thousands more don`t give a damn, thousands more find their tone varies daily and with venue.
The public you are playing for (if any) generally knows bugger all about music and wouldn`t know if you were playing the kitchen sink.
Conclusion: there`s NO advantage unless YOU WANT a wooden horn in which case you should have one. If you want a gold plated horn carved out of a potato, you should have it.
What`s that mean? It means YOU are the most important thing. Music is for YOU.
When you finally get where you are playing the most beautiful music you can imagine you`ll still find, of course, that 99.999 percent of the world is oblivious.
Don`t forget Charlie Parker played on a plastic horn in Jazz at the Massey Hall.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
23:38 on Saturday, December 6, 2003
does anyone know what company and in france provided lyons monarch with clarinets. i have a french made one with a s/n 1350 and no other markings. some one showed me a newer selmer and they look nearly identical
Re: Wooden Clarinets
02:58 on Sunday, December 7, 2003
hey..wooden clarinets r loads betta...first of all they make a much better sound. my friend also told me that you need one to pass later grades of AMEB exams. there also harder to see if they get scratched. i have a buffet E11 but i used to have a yamaha plastic one. as soo as u try it u can notice the difference
No advantages?!
20:29 on Sunday, December 7, 2003
What do you mean "no advantages"?!They have a MUCH better tone than the plastic clarinets.
You can pass your upper grades on a good plastic clarinet- I did my Grade 7 on a plastic Yamaha clarinet. (I did my Grade 8 on a wood clarinet.) If I was going to do my AMusA/LMusA/FMusA, though, I`d be reluctant to use a plastic clarinet.
Wooden Clarinets (i`m from Ireland!)
11:33 on Monday, December 8, 2003
I take it most of you people are from America, right. Well i`m from Ireland and i`ll just say some words you might not have heard of before:
rugby, bollocks, gaelic, hurling. over here i do grades to what level of clarinet i am, what do you do? Okay back to the point. wooden clairnets are much better than plastic. they sound way better and is easier to change octaves on them. i started playing the clarinet just over a year ago and five months after i started i passed my grade 2 with distinction. i`m now going for grade 4 in June (skipping 3). my dad bought me an E 13 as a surprise and is so much better than the plastic ones. it hasn`t cracked yet, but probably because over here it is much colder than your country so is an advantage for me. my E13 cost around £700 (i don`t know how many $ that is) and was in a sale so was a good deal. i would say you should get a wooden clarinet as they have a better tone and easier to play. since i have the chance to talk to some Americans, i`ll tell you:
we spell gray= grey
a trash can = bin
jell-o = jelly
refrigerator = fridge
Just bought wooden
11:26 on Saturday, December 20, 2003
Hi i just got my new Buffet E11 clarinet last night as an ealry christmas present. Since yesterday i have had a plastic one for about 8 years. when i played my new wooden, it was like i had been playing it for years. i felt so comfortable holding it, it was so much easier to play, and the sound is very rich and soothing. i didnt think there would be much of a difference, they`re all clarinets, right? wrong, this wooden clarinet blows the plastic out of water.
i am going to go christmas caroling today with my old plastic one, because i dont want to take any chances of it cracking on its second day.
by the way, does anyone know where i can find information on maintaning a wooden clarinet? thank you!
oh, and:
if jell-o is jelly for you, then what is that stuff you put on toast and peanut-butter-jelly sandwhiches?
21:50 on Monday, January 12, 2004
You payed 700 pounds for an E13 second hand?? I have an E13 i payed like $1400 (aust)for a brand new one, and we got a stand and a little care kit thing. My barrel cracked under warranty, so now i have a buffet festival barrel, top of the market. Wooden clari`s are sooo much better than plastic. At first i didn`t notice much difference, but everyone else seemed to. They are easier to play. But i would only recommend a wooden clarinet for people who intend to continue clarinet for quite a while. And about at least 6th grade standard.
00:19 on Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Neil- Ireland isn`t the only country that uses terms like that, just wanted to let you know.
Paul- try the new Leblanc Concerto II and Opus II. Then say the R13 has the best keywork.... Lol
What are Premieres?
Are they equivalent to something?
Re: Wooden Clarinets
14:29 on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
(Niclas gustafsson)
I suggest that you go to a musicdealer who sales clarinets and sit down and try everyone within youre pricelevel. the one that suits you best, you buy!!!
dont just try the regular brands, try ALL!
Wood clarinets
00:29 on Monday, January 19, 2004
Wooden clarinets are definately better than plastic!! They have a much better tone, once u`ve reached a certain standard, and make playing easier and I think are a neccessity if you are gonna do high exams. Plastic are good for some things, like marching bands, and jazz - where a good, pure tone is less important to establishing the intended style of the music. And also physcologically (i cant spell)if u think wooden clarinets are better, when u get one u will sound better. Well, thats what i think. But yes, I strongly think overall wooden clarinets are much better for advanced players.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
00:30 on Monday, January 19, 2004
Yeah, I also meant that if u think wooden clarinets are better, and u have a plastic clarinet, u`ll be physcologically limiting yourself, and u`ll think ur limited due 2 ur clarinet, and not improve as much.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
01:30 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004
I am wondering if any of you has ever tried to make their own..I keep wondering if a flute or clarinet that has a swirling motion built in it and different size mini pipes of different sizes would make for a crisper clear sound.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
12:30 on Friday, March 5, 2004
I had a selmet signet clarinet for 14 years and someone broke into my car and stole it.....sadness. Bertha Bb was with me through jr high, high school, and college : (
it is probably being smoked out of in a shady apartment in Seattle
oooo, thats not good
16:29 on Friday, March 5, 2004
Lets hope it`s in a better place. Someone might have just wanted to learn how to play but didn`t have a clarinet. You might have made someone`s life better. But it stil stinks to have it stolen...