Re: Wooden Clarinets
11:31 on Thursday, September 16, 2004
I`ve played both wooden and plastic clarinets and found that the wooden ones are more mellow sounding and less shrill sounding on pitches, especially the higher ones, than the plastic ones.
Plus they seem to be a little easier to adjust fingerings on.
VOX Ampliphonic wooden clarinet
20:43 on Monday, September 20, 2004
I have been desparately searching for information about a VOX Ampliphonic clarinet that I have had since the mid-seventies. It was my first clarinet. It is in its original case and is in good condition. Can anyone help me find out more about VOX clarinets?
Re: Wooden Clarinets
15:47 on Friday, September 24, 2004
I have a buffet b12 but im not sure if its really wooden or not and the music store didnt say anything about bore oil, so...
Buffet B12
21:59 on Friday, September 24, 2004
To Emily:
Your Buffet B12 is a plastic clarinet, so you do not need bore oil. You still have to swab the bore to keep moisture away from the pads.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
19:14 on Thursday, November 25, 2004
hey,i have a wooden clarinet that has the symbol LeBlanc
with a small bell above LeBlanc.Can anyone help me figure out how to find out what kind of clarinet it is? P.s. i got it from my grandfather who died so i got no one know what kind it is.
Buffet E11
02:31 on Sunday, December 12, 2004
After having a plastic clarinet (Vito) for seven years, I figured this year`s christmas present would be a new wooden clarinet. After hearing from my section leader about how good her E11 is, I figured to get that. This is the 3rd day having my E11 and I`ve loved it ever since playing the first note at the local music shop. The E11 has many features of the R13 including Grenadilla wood, undercut tone holes, silver plated key work, etc. I find the E11 much, much easier to play and the switch between registers. I love it, it is awesome. And I don`t have to wait until Christmas.
I`m also relieved I got it new. Buying new has its advantages such as receiving a warranty for cracking, it gives you peace of mind. Just make sure you swab everything after each use and don`t bring it into extreme weather conditions (blazing sun, subzero temperatures). These are the guidelines imposed by Buffet to prevent cracking, they also say bore oil is not needed. Make sure you apply cork grease each time playing for the first month or so. I`ve also picked up from other sites not to use mineral bore oil!
For us new wooden clarinet owners, are there anymore guidelines or extra procedures needed to make our new clarinets last?
Adv Wooden Clarinet
18:37 on Wednesday, December 15, 2004
There are definitely more advantages to having a wooden clarinet. First of all, the sound is a bit darker which is what most conductors/directors want. Second, it can be easier to play certain notes on, such third register D, E, F etc. They come out clearer and better on wooden, but you also have to have a decent reed. I play on a 1963 Buffet R13 and i could not be happier with it. Buffet actually based their new vintage line off of the clarinets made in the early-mid 60`s. Most people say that clarinets depreciate in value and quality as they get older, but i strongly disagree.
Wooden Clarinets
14:13 on Friday, December 24, 2004
Um, hi. I have been playing a plastic clarinet for about 6 years and i think its time to get a new clarinet. My private teacher keeps telling me to get a type of Buffet, and my band teacher says that`s "aight". wat kind of wood clarinet is in a good price range, but is a really good one?
23:27 on Friday, December 24, 2004
Luis said "Buying new has its advantages such as receiving a warranty for cracking, it gives you peace of mind"
True, but buying new also has it`s disadvantages.
1. Price (the given)
2. Brand new clarinets will need tuning up
3. Although you will have a warranty, most clarinets should not crack regardless if they are well taken care of. However, there are those few that will always crack, no matter what. Some people feel that the wood of used clarinets that have not cracked will have "proven" itself.
4. The wood of old R13s are supposedly of a higher quality, as well as a different design ("vintage")
What kind of wood clarinet should i get?
18:19 on Saturday, January 8, 2005
I`m going to get a wood clarinet sometime in the near furture. I have had a plastic Vito clarinet for about 3 years, but after a season of M.B. I decided i need a wood one. Can anyone recommend a type and, if it wouldn`t be too much to ask, why it would be good. Thanks.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
22:28 on Tuesday, January 18, 2005
(Debbie Lafever)
I have an old Evett and Schaeffer Buffet clarinet #K18351. I want to sell it but I have no idea what to ask. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You!
Evette Schaeffer value.
12:02 on Thursday, January 20, 2005
The Evette Schaeffer clarinet is really a quality instrument. It`s what I play on. Unfortunately, there are thousands and thousands of them available, so the value is driven down by the sheer numbers out there. If it`s in pristine condition, I would ask for $700 and hope to haggle it only down to $500 or so. If it doesn`t currently play, maybe $300 is more in order.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
12:37 on Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wooden clarinets create way better sounds then plastic, even though they are more expensive it is still worth it.
10:16 on Saturday, January 22, 2005
I just bought one for £300 and thought it was a good deal...
Re: Wooden Clarinets
14:11 on Saturday, January 22, 2005
well see Ive been using a plastic horn for 3 years now and i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a wooden but my parents isnt gonna buy me a brand clarinet!!! My band director told me i need a wooden one. . .i mean im in 8th grade but i cant go to highschool and have a beginner clarinet, i need a intermediate clarinet. Im really good on my plastic one but im getting tired of it and if you ppl know ne where i can buy a used but very good condition clarinet plz feel free to email me because, there was like this really good one on ebay but it went up tooo high and i couldnt get it so ne ways thank for your help!!!!! The type i want is a Buffet E11 clarinet so plz email me if you know ne one who wants to sell theirs!!!