a few questions
a few questions
17:25 on Sunday, April 28, 2013
Re: a few questions
20:51 on Wednesday, May 8, 2013
 jim22 (247 points)
Yes to both questions. The flaring registers are twelfths, not octaves like a flute or sax, so the fingerings for notes an octave apart are not similar. As a flute player, I find this very tough to deal with. The challenge for the pinky keys of both hands is that there are too many of the (for a silly flute player  ) and there are alternates on each hand so one needs to plan ahead a bit on which hand to use to finger a note.
I also really would like to try oboe and now play clarinet for the same reason. I don't know what challenges an oboe has beyond the obvious Reed issue.
Jim <Added>Ugh, I hate autocorrecting keyboards. That second sentence was supposed to be "The clarinet registers..."
Re: a few questions
17:29 on Thursday, May 9, 2013
Re: a few questions
04:15 on Friday, May 17, 2013
Re: a few questions
16:10 on Saturday, May 18, 2013
Re: a few questions
01:25 on Sunday, August 18, 2013
 Mad_Fales321 (5 points)
Well with the register key, it may be uncomfortable when you first start, but I would recommend angling your thumb so it can touch the key and cover the hole so you don't feel super-duper uncomfortable. And with the pinkies, or 'little fingers' I use mine quite often. You need them for sharps and for playing the beginning middle register notes (also known as clarion register) Well I wouldn't recommend branching from a clarinet to an oboe, for a couple of reasons. One, a clarinet embouchure and an oboe embouchure are very different, and if you don't like pressure in your mouth, oboe wouldn't be a smart choice. Secondly, you'll be adjusted to the 'customs' of a clarinet, and it's harder to control that super small airstream that goes between two reeds tightly pressed together. Now, a clarinet to a saxophone would be better, and maybe an oboe to a bassoon. Trust me, switching instruments is very hard, and switching to a completely different instrument will make it even more difficult. Before you make a decision, do some research on the instruments, ask around, maybe at a music store, and ask if you can try out the instruments, to see the difference. I hope this helped, and I hope you find the right instrument for you  Good luck!!!
Re: a few questions
01:31 on Sunday, August 18, 2013
Re: a few questions
02:24 on Sunday, September 22, 2013