beginning bass clarinet
beginning bass clarinet
13:05 on Saturday, January 3, 2004
hi, i have been a musician for over 10 years now but i have onl;y recently (past 3 months) begun playing wind instrumeents and i am currently learning the oboe. I am extremely interested in bass clarinet, but would it be a mistake to `dive in a t the deep end` and learn on a bass clarinet, or would i be ok beginning on a bass clarinet as i have no real wish to play regular clarinet, just bass.
Re: beginning bass clarinet
21:00 on Saturday, January 3, 2004
I play both clarinet and bass clarinet. I love the sound of the bass and can see why you want to play it. I think it would be fine to jump in and learn it. It`s the exact same as regular clarinet as far as fingerings except it has two more keys on it therefore you can make more notes. It doesn`t hurt to try and I think you will really love it! If you are considering buying your own than check out a Selmer. I bought mine from They are able to give wholesale prices on quality instruments. I would also suggest that you use a three or three and a half strength reed so that you can get a good vibration which is key to a bigger instrument like the bass clarinet
Re: beginning bass clarinet
07:46 on Sunday, January 4, 2004
Also, does anybody know any good BRITISH websites where i can purchase a cheapish bass clarinet, as i am living in England, and a rough sort of price in pounds (£ - GBP)