Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
18:47 on Friday, March 28, 2003
I would like to offer a differenting opinion. If you play in a classical orchestra and have devoted your life to mastering Weber and Mozart, then NO do not swing in the orchestral setting. Mozart would never forgive you if he had heard you swinging K.622
On the other hand, if you would like to take up jazz, go for it, but not in an orchestral setting cause you won`t be gaining any respect for it.
Re: is playing jazz clarinet a crime?
16:01 on Wednesday, April 2, 2003
Umm- Rhapsody in Blue doesnt begin with a chalumeau G-A trill.....
When I played it, it was a low G-A trill- not the throat tone version an octave up. Then it goes into the gliss and then a C6 smear, followed by the 8th note cadenza, and then a series on more trills at which point the orchestra joins in.
It is the same level music as Copland`s Outdoor Overture, or something else of that nature.
Perfect practice makes nearly perfect!
17:57 on Wednesday, April 2, 2003
Huh, isn`t that what I said? Chalumeu G-A thrill? Then a glissando up to high clarion C?
Re: is playing jazz clarinet a crime?
02:16 on Thursday, April 3, 2003
Lol- "thrill" hehe
When u refer to chalumeau I was always told it was mostly the throat tone area, this is an ocatve below in the lowest register of the clarinet.
Just saying, beause a throat tone trill might be quite ugly as an opener.....
Perfect practice makes nearly perfect!
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
20:35 on Thursday, April 3, 2003
Chalumeu - Lowest E to 1st space F
Throat - 1st space F# to 3rd space B flat
Clarion - 3rd space C to the C an octave higher (2 ledgers)
Altissimo - anything higher
Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
21:22 on Thursday, April 3, 2003
That register definition confuses me, but I guess if thats what you use then you and I were on the same page......
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
16:59 on Sunday, May 11, 2003
What`s wrong with playing jazz clarinet? I`m 16 yrs old and I love jazz although i can appreciate classical too. i havent managed to master improvisation but can play the slide in rhapsody in blue, one of my favourite pieces.
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
20:06 on Monday, May 19, 2003
Jazz Clarinet is Awesome. Just look at Benny Goodman. He is propably the best clarinetist of all time, and all he played was jazz. I play the sax also, in the jazz band, so when i pick up the clarinet i have to play jazz.
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
22:50 on Sunday, May 25, 2003
I just got back from playing a jazz brunch at a restaurant called Gumbo`s at the Crescent Hotel in Dallas. Man, these people were great!!
They loved jazz/swing clarinet and it really fit the venue and the guests.
Ok, so there IS life after classical clarinet.
I just spent some time researching jazz clarinet setups of the great players and came up with basically nothing on the net. So, I will be posting an equipment and setup column on my website soon based on my first hand testing and research.
There is really very little out there on Jazz Clarinet as far as studies and equipment manufacturers. So, I will be taking this project on and posting it to my website soon. Keep watching and it will get there piece by piece.
My Jazz Clarinet is:
Buffet R13
My Jazz Mouthpiece is:
Vandoren B45 (Stock)
My reed choice is:
Mitchell Lurie #2
My ligature is:
Charles Bay
My jazz clarinet barrel is:
Deg AccuBore
M64 D
Please note: This is what I have come up with over the years of trial and error. I am quite open to any thoughts on newer equipemnt. I believe my Buffet R13 clarinet is not the best clarinet for the sound I want. I am trying out Leblanc`s and Selmers to see what the latest technology offers.
Joe Tighe
Hot House Jazz
Is playing jazz clarinet a crime
05:14 on Sunday, June 1, 2003
I`d like to say that a lot depends on what you mean by `jazz`.
For instance many folks don`t like it because they see it as a certain kind of music - with it`s own beat/melody/harmonies/progressions/whatever. And it`s a form they don`t like.
Many folks study it hard for donkey`s years in exactly that same definition. And write learned books about it and have tremendous technical and theoretical knowledge and ability.
But some of us just mean something like `extemporize, embellish, have fun`. We use the words `jazz it up` to mean liven it up, do something with it, make it live.
That latter definition is the one I prefer and I think it applies to everything in your life - you`ve gotta have a little jazz in your life.
I think something has gone wrong here - it`s asking me to put in a subject when I`m only trying to post a reply...
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
06:55 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003
hey man i admire you
i play jazz too im currently studying at the conservatoorium of music in mackay qld australia majoring on the clarinet so yeah go for it its great
i know the feeling when you play classical just to start swinging or start improvising and my clarient teacher gets up me all the time but its great
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
20:54 on Friday, March 5, 2004
Jazz clarinet is certainly not a crime, even though I know many who look upon it as though it is. For example, I attend a highschool, where I play alto saxophone in jazz band. Despite my strong likings for the alto sax, I`d much prefer taking out the old clarinet, which I play in concert band along with oboe. However, even from middle school, the band teachers I`ve had have frowned upon the regular use of clarinet in jazz band. So I believe that there is indeed nothing wrong with clarinet being played as a jazz instrument. But that`s just me. . .
02:49 on Saturday, March 6, 2004
Playing jazz clarinet is not a crime.
Swinging Mozart and Weber is, and should be punishable by death.
hey you
02:32 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Yep. It sure is. Hate it.
agree with him
02:33 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
(lydia says hey)
ABSOLUTELY jazz was meant for sax..clarinets belong to the orchestras..mwah ha ha ha ha