Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
14:01 on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I think Clarinet is to prefer as a soloinstrument, since it`s an instrument with (most of the time) a rather weak but beutiful sound that is drenched when you play it in the orchestra. So I would say it`s the other way around.
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
17:35 on Sunday, March 14, 2004
Jazz clarinet is so cool I get in trouble when I warm up because I always improv or do some form of jazz
11:16 on Monday, March 15, 2004
(clarion god)
Jazz clarinets...who even made up the freakin term?
muaahahaha my reply
23:28 on Monday, March 15, 2004
ABSOLUTELY jazz was meant for sax..clarinets belong to the orchestras..mwah ha ha ha ha
I strongly dissagree.
10:03 on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I was kidding. However, I don`t like jazz clarinet. I`m all about the classical side. I appreciate Jazz, but I`m not a fan of it for clarinet.
19:35 on Thursday, March 18, 2004
I think that jazz is really cool but i think the reason that I lean that way is because I also play alto sax and have gotten used to it and then I started to listen to it and it really got me going about jazz and now I listen to it a lot. I also like classical but jazz will alwaus be my favorite.
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
08:17 on Sunday, March 21, 2004
i like playing jazz on the clarinet but i have a saxophone too. i listen to jazz like dave brubeck and charles mingus and i think that the saxophone is the best instrument for jazz, but i still love playing the clarinet. i have jazz pieces for the clarinet but they aren`t that good, i`m still looking for a great jazz piece for my clarinet so if any one has a nice piece, please email me it!! personally, i think that clarinet suits "swing" more than jazz. but thats just my opinion.
some one send me a good jazz clarinet piece!!!!!
jazz clarinet
17:41 on Sunday, March 21, 2004
I will try to get a piece for you but it might be a bit difficult because I will have to talk to my band director about it. i started playing clarinet and then started alto sax for jazz band because at that time clarinets were not welcome in the band. now i have fun with jazz on both intruments.
I agree
12:23 on Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Im in senior high and jazz clarinet is the thing to play!  yay! jazz clarinet is fun and much more complicated than playing the sax, thats why i like it so much. but i cant play it in the schools` jazz band.
Re: Is Playing Jazz Clarinet a Crime
12:09 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
I think that playing jazz clarinet should be a crime...because it sounds so good.I really recommend also playing Latin Jazz. If you pop in a latin jazz CD, and try to improv with your clarinet, you will be suprized how good it sounds with the music- especially cuban folkloric latin jazz.I suggest Mongo Santamaria. (latin jazz CD`s like these also have really good flute playing)
No, its sounds AWESOME!!
01:54 on Monday, April 19, 2004
Jazz on the Clarinet sounds so cool! I love it. Espcially that dixieland clarinet solo in "Hakuna Matata" From the lion king! that is so cool! I play clari for concert band and T.Sax for Jazz. Although last year i played clarinet in Jazz but playing 3rd/4th trumpet parts because there werent enough trumpets. And I play jazz pieces too. Jazz is so much fun, no matter what instrument. All instruments should be given the chance to Jazz. Like when i first heard about Jazz Flute i was like what the? but it supprised me and it sounded pretty good!
But swinging classical is a big no no. Unless you`re Eddy Daniel. I love his 5 seasons CD. Each track is a mix of classical and jazz. Sounds pritty cool. But that`s just my opinion.
Swing On fellow clarinettists!!
Jazz Clarinet
13:49 on Sunday, April 25, 2004
I have always loved jazz. I think Jazz clarinet is a lot harder then sax because I have tried both in our schools jazz band
Jazz Clarinet For Life Man!!!
15:15 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
I have been playing jazz on my clarinet for 3 years now (HINT: I am only a Freshmen in high school now  ) and I must say, jazz easily wins out over classical (I have my experiences :-. )!
I encourage every clarinet player to at least have a go at jazz. Some people just "have" the knack, and others have to put forth a lot of effort to learn it (Read: Me)... All in all, it is fun all the same!
BTW, if any of you play in jazz groups like myself (I play in a dixie group and in a Big Band style group), you really should try the new Rico Plasticover reeds if you are getting buried by the rest of the group. The Plasticover reeds do drop tone quality a small amount, but they last longer and allow you to play much louder when you want to.