Solo and Ensemble Festival
Solo and Ensemble Festival
23:29 on Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Does any one have a good Bb Clarinet Solo that could be used in Solo and Ensemble? My school has plenty of them, just they are at a very low level of playing skill. I can handle almost anything, but I don`t want it to be terribly hard or anything, for example I don`t want to be "Mary Had A Little Lamb", but I don`t want it to be "Flight Of The Bumble"(I tried that one last year and I didn`t have enought prep time to get it all prepared, and this year my teacher like totaly forgot about it, so we have like a month to prepare.) Anything in that range would help, closer to Bumble Bee Hardness though. Anything that you could give me that you think might be adequate would help! Thanks. If you could just leave you email address and I will email you asking for the piece. Thanks Again.
Re: Solo and Ensemble Festival
00:55 on Sunday, January 11, 2004
a good one is Sonato by Leonard Bernstein. I made 1st chari state with that solo. This piece is a lil difficult but not too difficult that you want to give up on it. good luck.
Re: Solo and Ensemble Festival
09:08 on Tuesday, January 13, 2004
i definately recommmend grand duo concertant by weber. it is a grade 6 piece. i played it a few years ago and got a superior with distinction at state solo and ensemble. this year i am playing another grade 6, concerto by manevich. i personally enjoy this piece, but to a lot of people it sounds strange when they first hear it. i suppose it just takes some time to get used to.