Do you like Weber`s concertos?
01:09 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Has anyone played Weber`s concerto no. 2 in e flat op. 48? What standard would you think it is?
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
01:21 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
OMG yes! I love Weber`s concertos. I have played almost all of them, also the grand duo concertante and concertino. They are my fav concertos!!!
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
01:25 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I havent played any of his concertos. I like that one by stamitz. What other composers concertos do you like?
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
18:25 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
(Rachel B)
I`ve played a whole lot of Weber`s works including both Concertos. #2 in particular has been my favorite. I think you will enjoy learning it and people will enjoy hearing you play it. Always remember to make the first line sound as if it is an entire concerto by itself. And organize your breaths carefully - the runs can get bogged down very easily.
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
20:42 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I like them. I`ve played his first, and the first movement of his second. I can`t really be bothered doing any serious work on his second- I like it, but there are heaps of better pieces, and it`s easy enough that if I need to play it I can pull it together in a reasonably short time.
Bob- which Stamitz concerto are you referring to? He wrote about a million for clarinet. I`ve played his third which is alright but not something you want to spend a year working on.
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
14:30 on Sunday, January 25, 2004
i played the first movement of his first...i like it, but i`m not that big of a fan.
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
04:06 on Friday, March 5, 2004
I`m playing Weber 2 for an Eisteddfod concerto competition in August. Its good fun but I also think its like an exercise in scales and arpeggios.
Re: Do you like Weber`s concertos?
23:14 on Friday, March 5, 2004