Any violin and clarinet players?
01:14 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Does anyone play violin or similar and clarinet? Which one do you think is easier. I got a wooden clarinet a few yrs ago, and my little bro play my old clarinet as well as the violin, and he seems to be advancing in the clarinet quicker than violin. Maybe coz its his second instrument,
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
01:19 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I play both. They are very different instruments, i think it depends on the person, i find them more or less the same, if anything, violin easier.
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
20:44 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I do! I think violin is easier.
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
23:48 on Thursday, January 8, 2004
Hey...I don`t play both yet, but I`m saving for a violin. Which kind is good for a beginner? Also, is violin really as hard to learn as I`ve heard? I`m 15 going on 16 in May and my budget would be up to $233.09. Thanks in advance to any replies.
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
23:31 on Tuesday, May 3, 2005
I`d say clarinet is much easier. Though, some songs it does prove difficult. Violin takes a while to develope good intonation.
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
09:49 on Thursday, May 5, 2005
For me, clarinet is much, MUCH easier than violin! I played violin for about 5-6 years before I began clarinet. Immediately, I advanced, and I`m now at the same level I was at with violin (if not higher) on clarinet after only 2 years. Perhaps violin was harder because it was my first instrument, and I was pretty young to be committed to practicing regularly  But I found it easier to play the notes - no worrying about how straight the bow is, or how hard to press into the strings. Just blowing air! Plus, I find being in tune is a touch easier. How many ways can one rearrange the embouchure, right? There`s so many ways to make mistakes on violin . . .
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
20:21 on Friday, May 6, 2005
I do. Or I did. I played violin for 2 yrs then switched to clarinet in 6th grade. I picked up on violin quicker I think then clarinet. But now that I`ve been playing clarinet longer I think I`m better at clarinet then violin.
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
02:23 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
i play the clarinet and i recently started on violin.
both are difficult but i love both. im starting with grade 5 in clarinet and im just a beginner with violin. lol
anyway i have play clarinet for a year now and violin for about a month. 
Re: Any violin and clarinet players?
22:09 on Saturday, May 6, 2006