01:34 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Do ligatures enhance sound?? I still have the ligature that came with my buffet clarinet. No-ones told me 2 get a new ligature yet, so i haven`t, but i want to convince my mum 2 get me a new one. What do the ligatures do to enhance playing?
Re: Ligatures
01:40 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
I was wondering the exact same thing Emma.
Re: Ligatures
00:53 on Sunday, January 11, 2004
Hey wassup. I might not be of much help but i`ll tell you wat i know. The three essential equipment besides the clarinet itself to make you a true clarinetist is the mouthpiece, reed, and ligature. To answer your question, yes the ligature does enhances your tone by a long shot. If you have the money you should invest in a BG Super Revelation or a Vandoren Optimum ligature (gold plated) ones to help with your tone. I recommend the two ligature because they have gold plated support of it totally gold which helps gives you a more brilliant and compact sound. Really easy staccoto and all the goodies. Remember, the ligature alone can`t help you, practice makes perfect. Hope this helps.