Re: how to do tricks on clarinet?
20:46 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
Laura- I don`t mind being corrected. It`s better than going through life being wrong about everything.
Who is bossing you around? All Dmitri, Buddy, myself etc are doing is expressing our opinions, which are usually correct.
Also, most people on this site ARE high school students, not adults. I`m not in high school myself, but I`ve only been out a couple of years, so that hardly qualifies me as one of the big scary stupid adults that you dislike so much.
Re: how to do tricks on clarinet?
20:50 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
Hmmm, thats nice? People who think Mozart is too hard?
I`m going to second Dmitri and tell you to grow up.
Just realise that some people here may have more musical and life experience than you do.
Noone said that Mozart is too hard. But once you develop a bit musically, you realise that it is one of these pieces that only sounds right when it is absolutely perfect. If you have just one note out of place, or one badly executed passage, it ruins it. THAT is why it is difficult. Anyone can get some half-decent version of the notes.
21:43 on Thursday, July 1, 2004
o_O wow ok its not that big a deal you two. continuous correcting is rather redundant and can be belligerent Rachel, so if you are going to act like a "big scary adult" then i would highly suggest you mind your own business. how the subject of a piece got to a silly, and might i say uneeded, argument, ill never know. just calm down.
05:25 on Friday, July 2, 2004
Continuous arguing when you are wrong is immature and stupid. Have you read some of the arguments Laura has had with other people? She cannot accept that some people might know more than her.
And please don`t give me that "big scary adult" rubbish. I am 20 years old, which I know makes me older than most people on this forum, but it isn`t all that old.
Re: how to do tricks on clarinet?
15:33 on Friday, July 2, 2004
If you have trouble playing an A, chances are the mozart is too hard for you too.
Re: how to do tricks on clarinet?
17:16 on Friday, July 2, 2004
Um... I don`t want to participate in this LITTLE KITTY-CAT FIGHT here (yes, this is an insult to that little "war" that`s going on in this forum.) I`ll just confirm that a clarinet can reach that high G (octave above the G above thumb C). I know because I can play it. I also know that it`s possible to go higher... there`s just no known set fingerings.
Here`s a little trick to improve range. Play C on your clarinet (second space from the top C). Then mute the bell almost entirely with your leg, and blow that same C. Then try overblowing that. If you do it correctly, you should get some overtones that result in a major triad. This is also known as the "bugle call". If this doesn`t work, contact me (forum or e-mail).
Happy practicing!
Oh... and this too...
17:22 on Friday, July 2, 2004
Why can`t we just give advice instead of putting others down. This happens in EVERY forum (believe it or not, this is better than most of them... check out the 19 page thread in the trumpet forum saying who has the highest range... ugh!), and it`s sooooooooo immature. If you can`t handle critcism, then you shouldn`t go into music, because you`ll see A LOT of that!
Next time you say something, it better be advice!
Actual advice
04:23 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
Actually, I was rather sick of the fight and has forgotten about it until SOMEONE brought it up again.
You can get a chord by playing clarion (2nd line from top) D, Eb, E, F (rather tricky), or F# (also quite difficult), and sort of dropping your jaw. On D it produces D, the B above and G below as an undertone.
Another trick is on low E and F if you adjust your mouth it can sound like microphone feedback. My best friend cracks up laughing whenever I do that. You can make those notes sound like a train whistle by adjusting your mouth.
09:55 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
Sorry that I had to get into your fights like that... I just can`t stand it when people are putting others down and the music forum no longer becomes a music forum!
Yeah, I didn`t mention those other notes that you could do the triad on, but they work too. Thanks for mentioning them. Also, I`m going to try that low E/F one... it sounds like fun. Thanks!
22:48 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
Thank you for your apology, Erica. I just really hate being corrected when I know I`m right.
Those "feedback" notes are fun. My best friend and I are in the same orchestra (she is a percussionist), and whenever the conductor brings up a proposal and says "I`ll need some feedback" she nudges me and says "Rachel, you can do that."
Re: how to do tricks on clarinet?
15:30 on Wednesday, July 7, 2004
I`ve got a grade 3 clarinet exam 2morow. Could someone tell me how to play the following.
high E flat
high f sharp
high c sharp and the next c sharp up
the b flat just under that c sharp