Wood or syntethic reeds?
09:38 on Thursday, April 15, 2004
I play wooden reeds and the other clarinet in band plays syntethic and we always sound so different, even when we are tuned. Is there any chance (since we play the same brand of clarinet) that it`s the reed or is it just the playing technic?
Re: Wood or syntethic reeds?
06:10 on Friday, April 16, 2004
It could be either, are the players of different standards though? I think its probably mainly technique, but if they are all pretty good players, the reeds would make a difference.
Re: Wood or syntethic reeds?
09:55 on Saturday, April 17, 2004
im just curious, what kind of sound does a :fake: reed make? what makes the sound different from a wooden one?
Re: Wood or syntethic reeds?
13:27 on Saturday, April 17, 2004
I don`t really like the sound of plastic reeds. I know in my band, people who play with plastic reeds have a different sound quality and don`t match with all the other people who have wooden reeds.
Re: Wood or syntethic reeds?
06:58 on Tuesday, April 20, 2004
you may try the Legere Reed that is made of plastic materials. It sounds great. But it costs around $15 for a single reed.