bands in your school...just curious!
bands in your school...just curious!
18:44 on Sunday, April 18, 2004
i was just wondering what the bands are like in your school, there are only about 200 people in band at my school, and only about half in marching band, but heres the rundown of the hours of band in my school:
in my school we have 6 hours of band
1st- Percussion ensemble (they play only percussion music, you have to try out for this and if you don`t make it your stuck in one of the regular bands)
2nd- Concert Band (this is where you are placed if you are really really bad or you just didn`t try out)
3rd- Concert Winds (this is where you are placed if you don`t make wind ensemble, and not as bad as concert band)
4th- Wind ensemble (this is the top band, the one i`m in (i`m the only freshman in it) mostly seniors except for a few exceptions, 4 juniors, 2 sophmores, and 1 freshman because they are amazing players)
5th- Drum Major (only 3 people in this class-our marching drum majors, all three of them are also in wind ensemble, i hope to be in this class next year!)
6th-Jazz band (all the normal jazz instruments, plus two clarinets (me and my wind ensemble section leader). my section leader gets all the higher solos, i get the lower ones, but i will get the high ones next year.
so ya thats the rundown, we have lots of clarinets, 2nd largest section in the band, it also happens to be the best marching section on the field, mostly girls except for a few (i think 4)
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
18:53 on Sunday, April 18, 2004
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
21:18 on Sunday, April 18, 2004
well in my school of about 2000 people, id say about oh, 220 are in band...
we have a marching band of about 140 members, class AA, 50 straight omea superior ratings, our schools pride and joy. by far the best form of band. man i miss it (its obviously the off-season)
freshmen band- class C, if you are a freshmen you are in it, no matter what. no freshmen are allowed into any other concert bands, no matter how good you are. we got a one at district and we are going to states!
symphonic band- class B. this is the not-so-good of the two upperclassmen concertbands. its for people who are more musically challenged, or just didn`t audition for ws
wind symphony- class AA. besides marching band, this is our schools pride and joy. they are absolutely AMAZING! consists mostly of seniors, all 3 drum majors, the entire battery, and alot more very talented musicians. audition only, most first chairs (like me) are probably going to end up here their 10th grade year. auditions are coming up, i can`t wait!
jazz band- i play tenor sax here. our director doesn`t like jazz band much, and if we didn`t have to perform for the school plays their probably wouldn`t be one.
theres the run down on our bands
aim- CropCircleRadr07 talk to me anytime
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
22:22 on Sunday, April 18, 2004
At my school we have Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Camerata and our Symphony Orchestra. Our school, as a conservatory works differently. Every wind player accepted is put in our only wind ensemble, and every string player basically is in our symphony orchestra. Some wind players go on to orchestra while others go on to jazz band. There are no second level groups. Our other music blocks are music theory, music history and private lessons on the 2nd floor of our music building in our practice rooms with the instrumental faculty. We have 2 blocks of music a day that together make up our schedule from 1:10 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Marching band isn`t an option. It`s a waste of time for us because we`re really there to go on to professional playing if we want to, and marching band really gets in the way.
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
23:17 on Sunday, April 18, 2004
My school`s music program sucks... we have about 1500 students at our school and our school is three years old. This is our first year with a graduating class and there are only 3 seniors through out all of the bands. There are less than 100 total students. Our bands are as fallows -
Jazz Band - A 0 Period class for those who want to get up early. Of course, no clarinets are accepted no matter what.
Beginning/ Concert Band - You either suck or are trying to get a year out for the graduating requirement (You have to have credits for one year of a VPA[Visual Performing Arts]) Either that or you don`t want to march.
Symphonic Band - You are considered the top of the school, but of course it isn`t true! I`m in this band since I`m a freshman. You have to have some musical experience and are willing to march Field Show and Parade as well as doing pep band. In addition to this you are the competing concert band. I`m the clarinet section leader and oboe player. Yah, it`s not that great. LoL.
Adv. Symphonic Band - You have to have been in Symphonic Band for at least a year! LoL, and you do the same thing as Symphonic Band, it`s a combined class.
Drumline - An after school thing. We practice from 4-8 two days a week. We actually placed first at most of the NCBA Amature competition.
So yah, that`s about it! Hopefully our band program will get better in a few years!
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
18:41 on Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Christine I wouldn`t talk about your school sucking! At mine we have 35 people in our concert band (and only "band"). We have, usually, 2 music classes a year. One being grade 9 music and the other being grade 10/11/12 music. And that`s it. You should all being going to your school tomorrow and kissing it saying how you are glad you don`t go to mine.
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
19:19 on Thursday, April 22, 2004
my school has around 200 ppl, and 168 are in the band program.
1st period: none.
2nd period: string orchestra (strings only, no other instruments)
3rd period: Studio jazz band (A band)
4th period: wind ensemble (top band)
5th period: Symphonic band (bottom band)
6th period: Wind Symphony (middle band)
7th period: none
8th period (after school) 1st semester: marching band, and you have to be in one of the other bands during the school day to also be in marching band. it is completely voluntary, had about 60 or 70 horn and perc this past season.
8th period 2nd semester: lab jazz band (B band) mon. tues. and fri. after school; mon. night and wed. thurs. after school is indoor drumline. have around 25 ppl
there are no grade restrictions for any of the bands, it is based purely on musical talent. i am principal chair clarinet in the top band and have been playing tenor sax for about a year, but was unable to even get into the lab jazz band (competetion is TOUGH). methinks they need a C band 
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
20:05 on Thursday, April 22, 2004
this year about 110 are in band next though 140
0 hour (before school)jazz Tues and thurs only
1 hour piano theory
2 hour composing
3 hour piao teaching
4 hour wind symphony
5 hour symphonic band
6 hour piano theory
7 none
8 hour (After school) more jazz band WENs and Fri only
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
23:59 on Thursday, April 22, 2004
(jack sparrow)
our band sucked but then we pirates opf the caribean music, so its very cool
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
12:32 on Friday, April 23, 2004
We are 22 in my school orchestra and every year we get to play a musical wich is very funny but also demanding. Last year it was west Side Story, this year it was "Brecht`s twelve shilling opera". It`s around the clock practice one month before the opening. Then I play in jazz band (15 ppl) after school but still in music school. I also have an ordinary orchestra with ordinary marching and things.
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
11:53 on Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Ok, i have 85 kids in my band(we only have band--Symphonic Band) and we are really good. This year we played Shoshtakovich`s Finale from the 5th symphony at a festival and Eternal Father, Strong to Save and we got 1`s. (71/74) I`m not exactly sure what classes are when, but the instrumental part of our school is...
Periods 0&1- Symphonic Band
Periods 2,3&4- Guitar or Piano(not sure which is when)
Lunch-M-Trumpet Ensemble
T-Clarinet Ensemble(yay!)
W-Sax Ensemble
Th- Lower Winds Ensemble
After School(T) Percussion Ensemble
Wednesday Nights-Jazz Ensemble(I play piano in`s pretty fun)
Our school also has alot of choral music too, but this isnt about that is it? We`re going to Disneyland in 9 days!!!!
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
19:23 on Friday, May 7, 2004
Well 4th hour Wind Ensamble "good band"(I`m 6th chair out of 7) and 5th hour is Symphonic Band "bad band" (I`m 1st chair out of 5)
0 hour is all the amall ensembles 2 ensembles per day
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
20:00 on Sunday, May 9, 2004
well well well. there are about 1100 or something people at my school...and about 120 of us are in the band [including drumline, tall flags, and intro band].
Our school is mainly a sports school [even though the band was the first organized group when the school first opened in 1967 or something] and we`re basically a football/marching band. We don`t do field shows, we just play at football game [and home basketball games] plus parades, our concerts, and festivals.
1st period: -
2nd period: Concert Band [Band II] -- it`s basically composed of freshmen and sophomores who have been playing for a while, or students [which can be in any grade] who have just learned their instrument the year before [have come straight out of intro band.]
3rd period: Wind Ensemble [Band III, my class] -- usually just Juniors and Seniors who have the first/second parts in the pieces we play, etc...the "more advanced" players.
4th period: -
5th period: -
6th period: Intro/Beginning Band [Band I] -- this class is usually freshmen who want to be in band, so they take this class to learn an instrument. Over the year, they still march with the rest of the band. They carry the banner for parades and big flags for football games.
7th period: Drumline class [Band IV] -- This is the first year we`ve had this class. This class is just for drummers only. Every year, the drummers have to try out [of course] and play. Not everyone in the drumline participates in competition line; some get cut.
X period: Jazz Band-- composed of members from the band, drumline, and other students not in the marching band. Absolutely no clarinets allowed because it`s not a "jazz instrument." PSH.
Drumline competition line: composed of all the drummers that made the cut and several members of the band who play in the pit or are cymbal players. I am in the pit and I play marimba and vibes.
Marching/[football] Band: composed of everyone in Band I, II, III, and IV; basically everyone that has something to do with band [except jazz band, including tall flags]. We participate in parades, football games, and we play at rallies.
Symphonic Band: composed of all the members of Band I, II, III and some members of drumline. We perform at concerts and festivals.
Most members of the band take band as a class, but some people take it as extra-curricular because it doesn`t fit into their schedule [too many AP classes, taking another elective, etc]
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
20:02 on Sunday, May 9, 2004
oh yeah, not counting tall flags, intro band, and drumline, there are about 70-something wind players in my band. and not strings.
Re: bands in your school...just curious!
14:04 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
We have about 3,500 kids in our school, and about 350 kids in the band program.
1st Period: Sophomore Concert Band
2nd Period: 11th and 12th grade Symphonic Band
3rd Period: Wind Ensemble (all grades, placement by audition only. If you don`t make it, you`re automatically in the band for your grade level.)
4th Period: 2 9th grade bands, one meets for the first 45 minutes of the period, the other for the 2nd 45 minutes. (We`re on the block system at my HS, 4 periods for 90 minutes each.)
9th grade band is the only band that meets 1st quarter, because the majority of the sophomores and older are in marching band then. Freshmen have their own extracurricular marching band to learn the basics. We also have three jazz bands that meet after school, 2 percussion ensembles, Chamber Winds, and both a student run Dixieland Band and Big Band.