High A and A Flat
16:27 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
If anyone knows how to hit high A on the clarinet, please email me. I need to know because in Band we`re playing a piece called Planets - Mars. I have the solo and I`m not sure what the fingering is. I can play high G..but I don`t know high A. Thanks
Re: High A and A Flat
08:32 on Sunday, May 16, 2004
if you are talking about the A that is one ledger line aove the staff, then the fingering is
register key, thumb
RH 1 2
and thats it, just lift your ring finger up when playing a G and thats an A. lift your middle finger up for a B, and just thumb and register key is high C. if you want higher just im me, or look for some fingering charts online 
aim- CropCircleRadr07
Re: High A and A Flat
08:33 on Sunday, May 16, 2004
and high A flat, play it like the middle C#, but with the register key, or a high G with the little key right under the bottom ring of the upper joint, and right above the 3rd line C key on the right side
Re: High A and A Flat
15:08 on Sunday, May 16, 2004
My friend had to play that last semester and her clarinet teacher told her that you finger it like the high E (reg+thumb RH 2 + 3) then you flip it up an overtone which makes it an A. It`s pretty hard to do. Good luck.
Re: High A and A Flat
16:05 on Sunday, May 16, 2004
Hey,people`s thanks for responding..but I was referring to the note an octave higher than the ones that you`re referring to.
Re: High A and A Flat
19:56 on Sunday, May 16, 2004
Thanks, Alisa...
If you know any other fingerings, please email them to me, or go to my site and email me there...
Re: High A and A Flat
00:02 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
you play a high g (octave key and rh 3) and lift a finger. the fingerings are simple but to make the note come out may be hard
Re: High A and A Flat
21:05 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
gosh, what was i on. of course you are talking about the 4th A. i find it wasy to play that on with octave, LH 2,3 and then the C#/F# key you play with your right pinkie. it will probably come out as an airy E, butif i kind roll your lower lip in, or put your lower bottom teeth on the reed, it will come out. its a fun note to play
Re: High A and A Flat
21:09 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
omg, its not that hard to explain. Finger a high E but bite it a little bit and overblow
Re: High A and A Flat
21:09 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
Re: High A and A Flat
03:55 on Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The fingerings are on this site, this link shows a chart that will tell you how to get up to a high A up to a high C!!!!! This is the octave you are talking about. It`s called the Altissimo Register.
Just out of curiosity, why do you need to get so high? Very few composers write so high? Is it a transposed flute or piccolo part?
Re: High A and A Flat
13:49 on Friday, October 28, 2005
Actually there is a place in Richard Wagner "Die Meistersinger"-ouverture, where the original clarinet part reaches altissimo A. I think I`ve seen several clarinet parts which goes to the A, but that is the one I remember :-D
Re: High A and A Flat
23:35 on Saturday, October 29, 2005
In John Barnes Chance`s Variations on a Korean Folk Song, the first part has an Altissimo A-flat Right in the middle of it. They did "run" up to it, though.
Re: High A and A Flat
23:37 on Saturday, October 29, 2005
I have seen that chart in a book before, and I tried the Altissimo "C" and could only get to like the "B"