
Marching...    04:49 on Sunday, May 16, 2004          
(David G.)
Posted by Archived posts

Does anyone have any suggestions on with plastic clarinet would be best for marching?

Re: Marching...    08:29 on Sunday, May 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

you can really use any plastic clarinet for marching... be sure if you are buying one that you don`t get a big fancy expensive one like you would for concert band, as your clarinet will go through alot of stress through the season. and don`t play on vandorens in mb, waay to expensive and you will go through sooo many. anyway, some good ones you may try are the Selmer USA lines, or Yamaha for marching band, but really any will do. hope this helps and have fun, as marching band is the time of your life

aim- CropCircleRadr07

Re: Marching...    19:59 on Sunday, May 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Never use a wooden clarinet for marching! Any Selmer plastic clarinet would be great for marching.

Re: Marching...    12:57 on Saturday, May 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Like Laura said any selme would be great. Last year I had a solo and the sound of my selmer carried very well. Sometimes though they come with only ok mouthpieces. This year I went out and bought an Esprit mouth piece from hawks music center and it really helped the sound. We ended up coming in first in our group. Will you be competteing?

typo    12:58 on Saturday, May 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Sorry Selmer plus never ever use a wooden one it will definately crack from all of the weather changes.

Re: Marching...    16:20 on Saturday, May 22, 2004          
(David G.)
Posted by Archived posts

Yes we will be competing. But I`m confused now. I asked my band director (who plays clarinet) if he had a plastic clarinet I could use for marching season. Because I didn`t want my clarinet to crack. But he said yes but they were student models. When I told him I didn`t want to play my wood clarinet for marching season...he just laughed. Aren`t all plastic clarinets, student models?

Re: Marching...    17:55 on Monday, May 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Confusing thing, i have the same problem for finding a clarinet for marching but not all plastic models are student models. Some are intermidiant which they use a softer more composite plastic, which is suppose to give a little richer sound. But for marching band it souldn`t make a difference just make sure you have a decent barrel and mouth piece.

Re: Marching...    21:19 on Monday, May 24, 2004          
(David G.)
Posted by Archived posts

Can anyone tell me names of some intermediate plastic clarinets?

Re: Marching...    10:58 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I know a private teacher that might be able to help. I will call him and ask and I will get back to you.

Re: Marching...    11:34 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

all plastic clarinets suck, just pick one- it doesn`t really matter. You can`t even hear a clarinet in a marching band so its not like tone or intonation is important.

Re: Marching...    13:18 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

You actually can hear the clarinet in marching band. Not when all those trumpets and trombones are playing but when there`s those "softer" things. But sound in a marching band… Go for a clarinet that is easy to blow trough so you can use as much air as possible to produce sound. A student model would be just as fine for those things as an intermediate. After all, the clarinet will soon sound like a students model anyhow.


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