Selecting a Clarinet
Selecting a Clarinet
23:13 on Saturday, May 29, 2004
I`ve been playing the clarinet for 5 years now, and I`m finally ready to buy one of my very own. The only thing that I`m absolutely sure of is that I want a wooden one, that isn`t cheap, but isn`t outrageously expensive. I`ve been having trouble deciding upon a specific make or model. I`m leaning towards either Buffet or Selmer, but I`m having definite trouble deciding between the two, or which model I should get. Any suggestions would be nice. (I`m a fairly advanced player, for a grade 11 student)
Re: Selecting a Clarinet
23:01 on Thursday, June 3, 2004
Hey! I have been playing on a Selmer for quite some time now. I recently just got a Buffet E-11, the intermediate model. I love it! It`s an over-all good instrument. I would recommend it. Hope I helped
Re: Selecting a Clarinet
14:20 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Buffet is a very good brand of clarinets! Though, wooden ones, as you might know, can be very very expensive. Choose wisely!
Re: Selecting a Clarinet
23:03 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Don`t know what your price range is, as really expensive is too subjective! This past weekend I tried out a handful of clarinets at one of the large warehouse type stores. One instrument I was really pleased to play was the Selmer Signature. It would need some adjustment regarding the key action, but otherwise was the best instrument from all of the ones I played(Buffet, LeBlanc, Selmer, Amati, Rossi, etc.). If you are looking for cheaper and do not plan to play in college, or for anything other than pleasure, I would highly recommend the Buffet E-11. This is a good intermediate horn that would be well suited for amatuer playing. Personally, I am slightly biased towards Buffet, as that is what I have played for many years. But there are instruments that are catching up with Buffet, and I believe Selmer is the one that will emerge ahead in my book. The others just have too many issues to deal with.
Re: Selecting a Clarinet
16:37 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
(Clarinet babe)
Hey i played on a wooden clarinet for a few years but because I live in canada with large humidity changes and so on it kept cracking. so deffienatly take into consideration the weather where you live seeing as this should influence you desicion. I recently got a 1000$ plastic one that sounds better then my wooden on but my wooden one was a Buffet e-11