can anyone help me?
00:24 on Sunday, May 30, 2004
i played the viola for 3 years but didnt like it, i now play the clarinet and i like it much more, but this has been my first year and this summer i am going to arrowbear music camp and its 400 bucks. well anyways i have about the cheapest kind of clarinet, right now i cant remember the brand, but i think my dad got it at cosco just so i could have one. im pretty sure its a b-flat clarinet, but i had a couple questions here they are:
1 whats the difference between b-flat clarinet or any other type? do they sound different when you play? or what?
2 whats a good kind of case to buy?
3 whats a good kind of clarint to buy?
4 right now i use a size 3 reed the brand rico usally, do the reeds make that big of a deal of how i play? cuz most of the brands dont seem that different to me.
5 do plastic reeds work any well?
these are just a few questions i have, and yes you can probably see by now i ma begginer and feel really stupid around you guys...  but anyways if you can help in any way i would appreciate it alot. thx
Re: can anyone help me?
04:09 on Sunday, May 30, 2004
1 whats the difference between b-flat clarinet or any other type? do they sound different when you play? or what?
B-flat clarinets are in the key of b-flat, A clarinets in the key of A...all the keys just determine what you have to transpose to get to the piano`s key (C) like a B-flat clarinet`s C is a piano`s b-flat.
2 whats a good kind of case to buy?
see answer for 3rd question
3 whats a good kind of clarint to buy?
Buffets are generally good, though i hear the French made ones are better than the German made ones (cases that come w/ them are nice too)
4 right now i use a size 3 reed the brand rico usally, do the reeds make that big of a deal of how i play? cuz most of the brands dont seem that different to me.
whoa, that`s a big reed for a beginner...this is my 4th year and i still play on a 2 1/2 (can`t get good sound out of a 3). Vandoren reeds have a MUCH better tone than Rico..Rico has poor quality (at least in my experience) Yes, the reeds do make a difference in intonation. Maybe there`s brands better than Vandoren even.
5 do plastic reeds work any well?
I`m not sure...I`m wondering the same thing, but probably they wouldn`t allow good vibration.
these are just a few questions i have, and yes you can probably see by now i ma begginer and feel really stupid around you guys... but anyways if you can help in any way i would appreciate it alot. thx
No need to feel stupid. We all begin at some point. If you have anymore questions, feel free to e-mail me and instant message me on msn at, and to instant message me on aol instant messenger, it`s Clarinetist1988. Hope my answers helped.
Re: can anyone help me?
18:10 on Monday, May 31, 2004
hey its me again, thx sooo much!!! heres alittle more i didnt put. since i did play the viola for three years i was able to learn to play the clarinet much faster than other and was able to move to advanced band pretty quickly within a couple months (i worked really hard and practiced alot as you can see) this explains why i use a size 3 reed. ya i will check out that other brand. also i remembered the brand of my clarient its first act. ya its cheap lol well thx again and if anyone has any other suggestions just post thx again!
Re: can anyone help me?
19:11 on Monday, May 31, 2004
also, so does it matter what type you have? i mean is it like advanced players get different ones as they get better?
Re: can anyone help me?
23:09 on Monday, May 31, 2004
y does it say 6 replies when theres only like 4?
Re: can anyone help me?
13:29 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Who knows why it says there are 6 replies. It does that a lot here, but who knows? Probably just an error or something. You must have learned fast then. And you sound like the opposite of me..I learned clarinet three years and now am taking violin. lol. Maybe you`re better than I am on clarinet. And, what do you mean as far as your question? The reeds? or the clarinet? I`m assuming the reeds. Yes, usually the reed strength goes up as you increase your playing capability, but I can`t seem to get sound out of anything higher than a 2 1/2...I just feel like I overblow on even a three, but I need to try again. I think it goes based on which strength reed the clarinetist feels most comfortable on. As far as your clarinet, if possible, it would be better to perhaps get a wooden one, but I cannot say which brand for each has their strengths and weaknesses. You can try out several different ones (of course bring your own mouthpiece and reed) at a local music store more than likely. Of course, if you cannot get one at this point in your life, that`s understandable. Also, it depends on what your intentions are - if you are going to play the rest of your life and so on.
Re: can anyone help me?
16:46 on Friday, June 4, 2004
For the type of the clarinet, I have a 50 year old wooden Buffet. And I started on it too.
But what I would recommend is starting out on a dinky plastic one and building your way up. At most high schools, you can rent plastic and or wooden clarinets. Plastic ones are for beginners and marching. They suck. Believe me! However wooden ones produce a wonderful tone and sound way better than the plastic ones.
Re: can anyone help me?
18:26 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Is that what you were meaning? What type of clarinet I have? I have a wooden Buffet E-11 (an intermediate clarinet); I`ve had it since towards the end of my first half year of playing, and I am now on the beginning of my fourth (started May 18). It has a nice tone, but the corks always fall off. I don`t play it that often except during the school year (six times a week--30 min. usually each time) and then for a bit on the Sunday evening service at church. I started out on a cheap plastic rental E.M. Winston Boston clarinet. It wasn`t that good. The Buffet definitely has a better tone and is more in tune than that rental. I`ve also played on a plastic Selmer clarinet when I`ve taken my Buffet to be repaired, but it too sounded horrible intonation wise and had key problems.
Re: can anyone help me?
18:27 on Friday, June 4, 2004
One thing I forgot to mention about reeds. Rico`s tend to be about half a size weaker than Vandoren in my experience.
Re: can anyone help me?Clarient q`s.
20:57 on Monday, June 28, 2004
I`ve been playing the clarient for 7 years. I have an Amati clarinet that my parents bought me last year. When I started out, I had a cheap Bundy clarinet. Now I have an Amati wooden one and a plastic one from Amati (I have a wooden one for concert season, and a plastic for marching). I have a Pro-Tech case; it`s really nice, but they are expensice. Mine was 79.99, but it has a place for your instrument, a lot of padding, and a place for you to put reeds and other things to care for your clarinet. As far as reeds are concerned, I used to use the Rico`s, but they are too cheap and they sound terrible. The Vanduren are good, but the Mitchell Lurie are even better. I play with a size 5, but I`ve been playing longer than you. I would start with a 3 and work your way up. I hope this helps. 
Re: can anyone help me?
07:50 on Sunday, July 4, 2004
hey. i just wanted to let you know that i`ve been going to arrowbear for five years and if you`re at all nervous about it you definitally shouldn`t be. everyone there is so nice and the counselors and campers will help you with your music and find time for extra help if necessary. i`m sure you will have an excellent time!
Re: can anyone help me?
20:37 on Thursday, January 20, 2005