Clarinet Books.
12:27 on Friday, June 4, 2004
(David G.)
Are there any books with solos for clarinet that anyone would recommend? I`m looking for advanced pieces.
Re: Clarinet Books.
14:17 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Just go to the director of your band, and ask. Or go to your nearest music store and ask for the music. I take clarinet lessons and my teacher reccomends books to me. This really isn`t that difficult.
Re: Clarinet Books.
22:43 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Ah, but perhaps this would be a challenge if the original poster is not a student! It`s rare to find someone out of that category on this forum. So asking a band director may not be an option.
To the original poster: if you could slightly clarify what in particular you are looking for. I would be more than happy to suggest some books or even particular pieces based on what you are looking for. Were you looking for recital type pieces, or just a compilation of pieces that would be neat to play around at? FOr serious work, I would suggest Daniel Bonade`s collection of Fifteen Grand Solos. Very difficult collection, but for the advanced player it is certainly doable. For other types of music, you might want to go to They have a great selection of music and something may catch your eye.
NB. I do not work for Luyben.
Re: Clarinet Books.
12:52 on Saturday, June 5, 2004
If the original poster is not a student, then they could just go to a music store. Not too hard. the site that dmitri recommended is a great site for music!
Re: Clarinet Books.
14:43 on Sunday, June 13, 2004
Demnitz is a very good book to play out of. I`m not sure of its full title, but it`s a good book. It has arpeggios and all kinds of sightreading music.