Jazz on the Clarinet
Jazz on the Clarinet
16:41 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Do any of you jazz fanatics know great clarinet solos in jazz pieces with a high school band accompaniament? I love Benny Goodman and I really like his Mozart at Tanglewood, though that`s obviously, not jazz! Feel free to email me.
I`m a junior(16) in high school and have been playing since the fourth grade! I`m currently the principle chair in our band. So, if you have any great pieces, let me know!
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
22:58 on Friday, June 4, 2004
Are you referring to jazz oriented pieces(Gershwin, et all) or actual big band style pieces(Sing Sing Sing, etc.)?
Several band pieces come to mind, such as Rhapsody in Blue that was done for WE, and also Blue Shades by Frank Ticheli. Not being much of a band guru, I am sorry that I cannot give many more suggestions than that.
Regarding actual big band charts, you can pretty much take any piece and use the solo line. There have been pieces where you can use the solo line for really whatever instrument you want. If you do not know how to read changes and improvise, it would be great experience to learn as you go along. Listening to pieces really helps as you can get a feel for the piece in your head.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
12:46 on Saturday, June 5, 2004
Ok. I specifically said Benny Goodman. I like his pieces. I can already play Rhapsody in Blue, so there`s no point in playing a solo that someone else has already played.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
12:48 on Saturday, June 5, 2004
Just jazz pieces on the clarinet written for high school band -grade no bigger than 4 please! How hard is it to think of jazz pieces for the clarinet? I thought Benny Goodman had a few with band accompaniments!
Oh,in the previous post, I was saying that someone else in our band had already performed Rhapsody in Blue. Otherwise, dude, I got that gliss perfectly!
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
18:31 on Sunday, June 6, 2004
How can you like Benny Goodman at Tanglewood? He sounds awful on classical stuff. Most of BG`s pieces aren`t original compositions they were arrangments done for his big band. You probably can`t find any of the exact arrangments, and if you did, they would most likely be way too hard for a high school jazz band. Anyways, some BG type high school tunes you can look for (or play) are Mission to Moscow and Moonlight Serenade.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
19:37 on Tuesday, December 14, 2004
if you wanna hear AMAZING clarinet jazz improv, listen to a jazz band call BIG PHAT BAND. Their clarinet ist is a guy named Eddie Daniels. Find a recording of their song Sing, Sang, Sung. The clarinet solo in there was improvised by Daniels. It may not be high school accompiaments, but their still really cool.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
22:57 on Friday, December 24, 2004
uhmm, i think,eddie daniels is only "fingers", and he had a soft sound,empty, it´s only a personal opinion,i prefer benny, to me, he was the greatest clarinet of the century, and he is still my idol,in classical, and jazz,i memoryze and play every single solo of him,and that was and is a great "school" of technique to me,i play jazz and classical,i agree with Laura,Benny rules.í´m very happy to find this forum and laura,she is young, and she likes benny,well, in music, is not everything lost thank god,i´m 26 yo , and i hope,die loving benny´s music .Thanks
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
23:13 on Friday, December 24, 2004
!! congratulations Laura !! ,honestly,keep going and practicing,benny is the best school for a clarinet soloist,i have transcribed solos for clarinet and piano,benny´s solos,and the entire original arrangement (transcribed by myself)of "Clarinet a la King",if you want them, just email me. ok , that´s all, bye guys,and !! Swing Hail !!
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
13:04 on Sunday, December 26, 2004
I disagree when you say that Eddie Daniels is all fingers. His solos have shape, form, repetition, ect. In fact, most of Daniels` solos are more well crafted than Benny Goodman`s. Also, I disagree when you say that Benny Goodman is the best clarinet soloist to transcribe. Goodman only played one genre of jazz music -swing. Jazz has come a long way since swing, and if swing is all you can play you`ll have a hard time getting a gig as a jazz musician.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
14:38 on Sunday, December 26, 2004
Benny Goodman not only played classical music, but he actually had new pieces written for him to perform. Among these are concertos by Malcolm Arnold, Paul Hindemith, and Aaron Copland (!!!!). Despite his love for jazz music, Goodman was a primarily classically trained clarinet player. Eddie Daniels, while technically capable, doesn`t have the same tone and musicality that Goodman has. It would not be overreaching to say that every jazz clarinet player after Benny Goodman has been trying to emulate him to some degree.
Laura, you might want to look for Artie Shaw`s clarinet concerto. I`m not sure if there`s a wind band accompaniment, but it`s still a fun piece. It`d be great for a festival or something.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
21:42 on Sunday, December 26, 2004
Actually, Eddie Daniels was a graduate of the Juilliard School with a degree in clarinet performance. Just graduating from Juilliard doesn`t make you a great musician, but for the most part they have amazingly talented and musical students at that institute. Benny Goodman was a great jazz clarinetist, but playing with bad intonation, bad legato, and even bad rhythm is not the mark of a great musician. Furthermore, a player doesn`t have a good sound if they play with bad intonation, bad legato, and bad rhythm.
Tone is a very personal thing. I`ve always thought, and still do think, that there is no one "correct" tone that everyone should play with. You prefer Benny Goodman`s tone, but that doesn`t mean Eddie Daniels has a bad tone. It`s just different, not better or worse.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
07:16 on Thursday, December 30, 2004
The Artie Shaw Concerto is really fun, there are some tricky bars but you can get around them easily enough with a bit of practice. And there is a Wind Band version of it, I`m playing it in a concerto next year with a really good band.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
12:26 on Friday, December 31, 2004
It was only a personal opinion friends,Eddie have a great technique, but, to me, Benny´s sound,and feeling,produce much things and feels inside me,more "soul" in his sound,i don´t know, i insist, it´s a personal opinion ,and yes, benny play almost swing in his entire career, but, he played pieces of stravinksy,gould,copland,bartok,he play with arturo toscanini,he play some pieces of bop too,he played jewish folk music,and many others,and yes, i agree, may be benny was´nt the best in technique ,classical technique, but he had something that not many musicians have, he had "soul" to play,and that, to me, is more important than many things.I have the transciption of the "clarinet concerto" , of the great and unforgettable Artie Shaw.Thank you guys, and a very happy new year to all. ( many different opinions, you learn more )
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
20:44 on Friday, December 31, 2004
I think all clarinetists have their up and downs and that you shouldn`t compare them. It`s like trying to compare writers which is never a good idea to do. One writer may be your favorite and the other may be the one you detest but your brother thinks the other way around.
I have quite a few of BG:s recordings and must say that sometimes he lacks in both rythm and technique but other times…
It`s like with one of my favorite clarinetists, Martin Fröst, he plays classical music so wonderfully soft and soulful. I don`t think I have ever heard something quite as beautiful as when he played a piece of Anna Maria von Weber. Then he also plays this modern…well, is it music? Have you ever heard the clarinetists you are talking about playing the same piece under the same circumstances? If you haven`t I think you might just as well stop this discussion.
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet
02:16 on Saturday, January 1, 2005
you mean carl maria von weber?