Someone said something really rude to me!
09:31 on Monday, June 7, 2004
Re: Jazz on the Clarinet buddy 18:31 on Sunday, June 06, 2004
"How can you like Benny Goodman at Tanglewood? He sounds awful on classical stuff. Most of BG`s pieces aren`t original compositions they were arrangments done for his big band. You probably can`t find any of the exact arrangments, and if you did, they would most likely be way too hard for a high school jazz band. Anyways, some BG type high school tunes you can look for (or play) are Mission to Moscow and Moonlight Serenade. "
Obviously, you don`t know my band. My band can play that stuff. And we could play an edited version! I really enjoy Benny Goodman`s classical stuff and if you have a problem with that,then don`t post! I can`t believe you said something that rude to me. Did you ever think how it would hurt me?
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
19:53 on Monday, June 7, 2004
I don`t see the problem. Not knowing Buddy, I can certainly agree with his statements. If you want to talk about how wonderful Benny was...fine. Buddy wants to express his opinion. It`s not really arguable as to whether or not Goodman`s Mozart is good or bad. Most with a decent ear can tell very quickly that Mozart was not Benny`s true artistic blessing. The quintet is better, albeit. But, from another post I realize quickly that you must not have any problems with Mozart, as it is an easy piece to play.
Regarding the overall hostility issue that has been brought up: grow up. From the things I have gathered recently, you are a high school student that seems to have been sheltered too much. People in music are going to say things that as a performer or a listener may not agree with. People do not say things to hurt feelings, but rather to help you and teach you. As a young player, you can be hurt easily. You don`t have enough real life experience to know that it`s nothing personal, just business. Plus, please do not say that you don`t dish it right back at others! There have been a couple of posts in the past few days that have made me laugh at your replys. So if you are going to dish it, be prepared to have it dealt.
And if you are going to reply to this(I know you must have the last word, so I am prepared), please reply without the juvenile rubbish. I hope I am not now someone who said something really rude to you! Grow up!
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
22:11 on Monday, June 7, 2004
Considering you must be far older than me, it`s not my fault that I act the way I do. So, I`ve had a very sheltered life. A pure Catholic education so far. Yes, I`m in highschool, and I didn`t mean to " dish it out" I`m just saying that this person could be a little nicer to me. And instead of criticizing Benny, they could`ve done so in a kinder way. I know I`m not perfect(ever heard Hoobistank`s The Reason?) But neither are you. I`m sure you`ve "dished it out" and yeah, I`ll agree, I don`t know that much about music either. Thanks for noticing my mistakes.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
13:35 on Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Sorry if I offended you. I didn`t think there was anything wrong with voicing my opinion of Benny Goodman`s classical abilities. Also, although I don`t know how well your jazz band plays, I do know how well BG`s did. I have a hard time believing that high schoolers could play the same charts as: BG, Mel Lewis, Jerry Dodgion, Phil Woods, Zoot Sims, Teddy Wilson, etc. I`m sure these players didn`t struggle to play the tunes, but I`m pretty sure that Goodman got tunes that were hard enough to keep them occupied.
If you take offense to anything I said, then you`re going to be in for a harsh awakening in the real world- especially if you`re going to be a musician. Grow up, and learn how to take what people say with humility or with a grain of salt.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
12:14 on Friday, June 11, 2004
Hmm...I have grown up. And yeah, I`m really protected. I`ve gotten a Catholic education ever since I started school. I am used to cruel hurtful stuff, but there`s a time for everything. Maybe I was having a bad day. You don`t know that!
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
21:21 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
HOW is expressing your opinion "cruel and hurtful", exactly, Laura?
Would this (from Buddy) have been less hurtful?
"oh, i`m terribly sorry, but i don`t think that benny goodman is the most brilliant interpreter of mozart. i mean you probably know more than me, being a high school student and all, but for some reason he just doesn`t appeal to me. i hope i haven`t upset you cause i know it can be earth-shattering to have people disagree with you. i`m really, really sorry if i`ve upset you"
Dmitri, just out of curiosity, how old ARE you?
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
22:13 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
Old enough not to take things personally. But in all honesty, I am 24 and a graduate student in clarinet performance at the UM in the US. I have my undergrad in performance too, and hope to start my DMA in two years at either Southern Cal or CCM.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
22:18 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what does DMA stand for?
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
22:56 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
It is a doctor of musical arts. So hopefully one day I will be Dr. Dmitri. I am not sure what it would compare to in Australia.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
23:05 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
Dr Dmitri... that has a rather nice ring to it.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
23:14 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
"its not my fault I act the way I do"
Whose fault is it, then?
I`ve been taking responsibility for my actions since I was 3-4 years old.
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
00:36 on Sunday, June 13, 2004
Well, knowing she will read it, she admitted that she was sheltered. Elementary psychology my dear Watson!
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
00:37 on Sunday, June 13, 2004
The thing that disturbs me even more is from another thread. Mozart is easy? Holy heck. Hardest concerto in the rep if you ask me! But what would I know about clarinet?
Re: Someone said something really rude to me!
14:37 on Sunday, June 13, 2004
Look. I`m 16 and I don`t care what the heck Rachel`s saying. The fact is it isn`t my fault they said something to me. And, obviously, they don`t know my highschool. Yeah, Mozart is easy. It`s not hard. You just practice put feelings into it. The End. If you want to argue about this, I don`t care. I`ve played harder music.
14:41 on Sunday, June 13, 2004
Wow. You`re a doctor?? Or going to be? That`s cool. I want to be a band teacher some time at a local highschool. Eventually, I hope to get good enough to make it to the Boston Philharmonic. Rachel, I know you`re scoffing, but I just don`t care. Make fun of me all you want. And yeah, I think I take responcibility for my actions.