Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
21:46 on Wednesday, June 9, 2004
I`ve been playing the clarinet for about 5 years now and also recently took up sax...I just wanted to know people`s opinions on this.
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
23:10 on Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Ask the same question on the sax board and it will put you back to square 1!
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
16:27 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
(Clarinet babe)
Clarinet hands down. I play alto sax, saprano Bb clarinet, tenor sax, bari sax, saprano sax, bass clarinet, oboe, flute basoon basicaly if it is a wood wind I play it in band right now (1st chair senior concert band) I play clarinet and it is by far my favorite I do still play saproano sax in jazz band (first chair), and alto sax in stage band (first chair) but clarinet is better
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
17:36 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
ahh i love these threads
i am first chair clarinet in my band now, and i auditioned to third chair behind two seniors in my schools top band. i play tenor sax or alto sax in jazz band. by far, the clarinet is better. you can get such a darker, richer, more brilliant tone than on sax. sax just sounds open and brassy (unless you are jim, who has the best sax sound i have EVER heard). plus, the clarinet is way harder to master, it takes alot more knowledge of the instrument and music to be able to play it and get a warmer tone. sax is just too, fool-hardy. don`t get me wrong, i love playing tenor in jazz band cuz i like the music, but id choose clarinet over sax ANY day.
plus we get cooler parts in marching band
aim- CropCircleRadr07
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
21:40 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
i personally play oboe but by far the clarinet it has such a wider variety of notes and just plain a better sound the only reason i didnt take it up is because at my school they dont let clarinets play in jazz band damn them
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
23:10 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
To me Saxophone is better.
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
12:08 on Friday, June 11, 2004
sax is way better u get the best jazz stuff and u get muscican like charlie parker and cannonbal aderly
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
22:19 on Friday, June 11, 2004
thats true but the jazziest parts for sax are mainly jazz band but for concert band if you play a jazzy peice of music you might as well play oboe like i do and i have thoses parts just an octave lower but thats off subject plus it all depends wich sax because i heard some instrument demos on this one site i found the soprno sax in my oppinion is better than clarinet because it is at the same pitch but it has that unique sax sound and tenor to but the other saxes arent that great especially alto GAG!
Re: Which is better? Sax or Clarinet?
12:41 on Saturday, June 12, 2004
wow that was one very long sentence
and your school lets oboes join jazz band? lol i never heard of that