17:46 on Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I`m only 15 and haven`t really been doing any hardcore practicing. Just 2 days ago, I had my clarinet lesson (1hr) and played woth a chamber group (1 1/2hrs) and decided to practice some violin (20min). The muscle in my right hand (the fleshy part by the thumb) was in pain. I went to the doctors and im not allowed to practice. I have to eat medication. I`m afraid that it may happen again (i`m going to be a music teacher...) and I may not be able to play ever again. When can i start practicing again? How long should i practice? What can I do to prevent it from happening again? I have a lesson this friday (in 3 days) and am performing twice in the concert on sunday (5 days from now) Should I forget it or will i be able to play by then? Thanks a lot
Re: Tendonitis
13:51 on Wednesday, June 16, 2004
I also get pains here and down the right side of my right wrist. I haven`t seen anyone about it but it often comes when i play lots both piano and clarinet and when i do more writing than usual in exams etc. I normally grin and bear the pain if i know i will enjoy what i am doing...if it something ur not too worried about missing then don`t go but i often do performances etc and give the writing side of things a miss!! Sorry i can`t be of more help and that its nothing technical!!
Re: Tendonitis
20:06 on Saturday, June 19, 2004
For the past year I have had the exact same problem. You probably have carple tunnel syndrom not tendenitis as it affects the tendons down the wrist not the fleshy thumb part.
I have been seeing a physio therapist on and off and should be starting full time soon. What he does is message the muscle right below the thumb. He pushes in extremley hard (also extremly painful) untill I say my hand is numb, waits 30 seconds and then does it again, and so on. I`m not saying to do this because I`m not sure what`s wrong with you but you should ask your doctor about seeing a physio therapist and seeing what they say.
I play all the time with it. I just use a wrist brace, so maybe you should try one. My doctor told me I can keep playing I just need to watch myself, but if your doctor said not to play then maybe you shouldn`t. I suppose it`s all up to you whether you play.