There is sumthin that is bothering me....
04:00 on Friday, June 18, 2004
When i play my clarinet, especially when i play the notes g and a, this weird kind of airy and a whistle sound comes out and the notes sounds really weird. But when i play high notes or low notes it doesn`t make this weird sound. I don`t kno if it is the way i am playing or what. Can anyone figure out what is wrong with my clarinet!?!?
Thanx, Irene 
Re: There is sumthin that is bothering me....
21:32 on Friday, June 18, 2004
It depends if your clarinet is a student or professional model. G and A are usually airy. Try covering the 3 holes on the lower section of the clarinet. If your clarinet is a professional model the you shoud get it checked out.
Re: There is sumthin that is bothering me....
23:47 on Friday, June 18, 2004
G and A are called throat tones. They almost always sound that way. There are alternate fingerings to make throat tones sound better, just look them up on the internet. The throat tones start at G and go all the way to middle line Bb.