surgery, braces, playing clarinet and flute
surgery, braces, playing clarinet and flute
07:42 on Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I was hopeing that someone would be able to answer my question but I do not know anyone who has had this done. I got my braces a year and a half ago and had surgery so they could pull down a tooth that was growing across the roof of my mouth. They were able to drop the tooth into place but I just found out that the tooth has to be turned 180 degrees around. But along with turning the tooth around I will have to have another surgery to sever the fibers that hold the tooth in place and have them reattached to the other side of the tooth so when the braces come off the tooth will not turn back to the way that it came in. If anyone has any information about it I would really appreciate it because I am really worried that I will have a hard time playing after it is done because I will be play a flute for concert band for the first time this year and will only play clarinet for marching band. I hope someone can help me. Thank you ahead of time.
Re: surgery, braces, playing clarinet and flute
22:35 on Tuesday, June 29, 2004
You should be fine with the fibers surgery. I had to have it done a couple months ago. The procedure is relatively painless and the best part is that it doesn`t effect your playing ability whatsoever.
Re: surgery, braces, playing clarinet and flute
13:37 on Thursday, July 1, 2004
Thankyou so much. I did not really know that much about it but I knew that the first one I had did not hurt that much but I could not play or swim on the swim team for a week. I was just wondering if there is time that you are not allowed to play because I am starting flute in concert band after playing clarinet and I will most likely need all the practice that I can get thank you for your info.